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Isn't it illegal not to be paid for overtime or - SM
Posted: Jan 03, 2010required telephone conferences?
You should be compensated for both... sm - 17yearMT
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If it is work-related in nature and you are a FT employee yes... company meeting time i.e. phone conference and OT are both compensable
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OT is only paid if you have met your minimum line requirement and then keep working and since you are considered production, so companies don't have to pay it. Depends on the state. Most companies will not pay you over time if you only did 200 lines that day, but worked 12 hours. Also, not all companies pay for telephone conferences and it is not illegal if they don't. I had one company that did and one that didn't. You need to ask. If they DONT pay OT or telephone time, there is nothing you can do about it.
If they REQUIRE you to be on a telephone call and - sm
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you're an employee, I believe it is the law that they compensate you for that time. Same thing with overtime. If you're an employee & work over 40 hours, now that they require us to fill out time cards, then they're supposed to pay OT for anything over 40. It's a law for good reason -- the way our industry is going, with the pay getting lower and lower, can't you see the huge potential for abuse? They could keep lowering our rates & insisting we work 24/7 because we 'haven't met our quota.' I'm wondering what companies do this to their employees? It might be beneficial to others to know.
OT - westmt
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That's correct as the last poster states. According to the Fair Labor Standard Act, regardless if you are paid on production, if you are an employee, you must make at least minimum wage. How can you not be paid for a required telephone call? That is working! So many MTs believe that we should only be compensated for the lines we produce. This isn't true when working for a company.
I just wonder how much $$ is made because of this.
Nope - MT
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READ THE LAWS. These companies abuse the wage and hour laws to the hilt. There are federal laws AND state laws. Companies need to pay you at least minimmum wage by the hour. If you type 200 lines in 12 hours, you need to be paid min wage for that time. You need to be paid for ALL HOURS WORKED. Google production rate laws and get educated. Time for this nonsense to stop.
Check YOUR state laws regarding OT. If you are a - Becca
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FT employee and on the clock, they must follow YOUR STATE laws regarding OT. Some states have much more generous laws when it comes to OT requirements (California comes to mind). If you're required on a phone conference, that should be included in your time keeping and if it pushes you into OT, then so be it.
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