A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Sep 02, 2013

A company cannot REQUIRE an employee to sit in front of a computer and check for work and NOT compensate them for their time. Common sense. Call your labor board. Now if they are willing to go back to flex schedules, then it is a whole different story. Boy would I LOVE to go back to that!!!

I did contact the labor board and here is what - they told me

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They said, because I am a remote worker, I am free to do other enjoyable things during these wait times, and therefore they do not have to pay me.

Here is what I don't understand... how can they consider anything I do inbetween jobs enjoyable? And who determines what is enjoyable?

I think a waitress could paint her nails while waiting for a table and that is enjoyable, but yet they get paid for it because they have to wait... but wait a minute, if I paint my nails I don't get paid because I have to wait also? What???

Somehow these rules/laws have to change.

Free to do enjoyable things? I don't think so as - enjoyable might be going to

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the beach, going shopping, leaving the house. We're apparently expecting to remain within chained distance of the computer, so how is that free ?

On the other hand, free to do enjoyable things could be interpreted as not required to wait for work and punching out and excused abscence without pay?

When I sign off I sign off for the day - and LWOP...sm

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thats my enjoyable thing..contacting the labor board about that. I understand the lack of work, I understand that I may choose PTO, but I will not be forced to use my leave and screw up a vacation I have planned, not gonna happen.

Maybe that person didn't know... - what they were talking about.

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I think a lot people got misinformation about TAA too depending on who they spoke with.

They knew what they were talking about. - checked the law

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I searched and found the law. It is a federal law. Our conundrum is we are remote workers.

Now... As far being required to "make up" time, I don't know if that is legal.

that's what my guy said too - I dont think they get it

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and when I call back I'm going to say well look, would YOU like to work till midnight every day to try to get your 8 hours in?

ILLEGAL - sickandtired

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Yes, but what if you are sitting at your desk reading a book waiting for work to come? Also what about firemen? They are in-house during their shifts but they can do many things while waiting for the alarm? I think you need to talk to someone else. What about the attorney general?

I too contacted the DOL and got squat... - ???

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I was told by the DOL that I could not prove I was sitting at my desk waiting for work and not off doing something else, therefore I was not actually waiting for work no matter how long I sat there so I kept track off all my hours and lines per day and sent it all to the DOL and still got screwed. I was never paid any back wages. So I quit!

ILLEGAL - sickandtired

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Look at your labor laws. Waiting to work versus engaged to work!

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