A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I have been offered a position with InScribe and am really on the fence regarding accepting the position or not. I currently work for Webmedx/Nuance and positively HATE Nuance and looking to get out of there. The presentation for InScribe says they require all their MTs to maintain a 99.5 score or better and you are only allowed 1 time a year to fall below 99.5. This scares me to death to be honest. I am a good transcriptionist and consistently have reports through FIESA that are 100% but on rare occasion, I can have a report that falls under 98% that pushes my score below 99.5. I would like to hear from current or previous MTs who have/do work for InScribe regarding how hard/easy it is to maintain 99.5. Thank you.