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has the weekly line requirement changed? - or is it the same? (nm)

Posted: Dec 15, 2012


Line - count

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requirements will continue to go up and line rates will go down as long as there are people willing to do the work for that. That's why we're all in the boat we are in.

Why do - you

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dislike that? Why else do you think they are doing it? If nobody would work for the lousy wages, they would have to pay more.

They will not pay more-they will just send more to India - or elsewhere overseas

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I think that should be illegal given we live in the age of terrorist. Someone in India knows my personal medical information, but I have to go through a mound of red tape just to secure a loan from a bank and make sure I don't have any terrorist ties-now that is ridiculous-I don't mind being extra security in just about any place, but flip side someone over seas can have access to personal information about me just by transcribing my reports? Something is wrong with that picture.

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