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You really think all MTs standing up woulda changed things-it would not have sm - RunninOnMT

Posted: Oct 17th, 2023 - 4:32 pm In Reply to: No one with any level of skill - Is worth pennies a line

Technology is what did us in so standing up wouldn't have made a bit of difference. They're using VR and point-and-click so we were replaced by technology, period. If they had no one to edit, they would just leave it that way. Have you seen the crap they allow in MR these days?? They don't care. They only care about fast turnaround and their own bottomline. Not a darn thing we woulda done woulda stopped this train, so why are you even going on about selling the rest of you out??? No one did that. Some walked away from MT and found something else. And there are still a few decent jobs (NOT editing or for the big MTSOs) so some of us stayed in those. Some accepted 4 cpl because they had to or maybe they're not the breadwinner in the family so it's enough for a side gig. Everyone has different reasons for what they do, and none of them have affected YOUR life or caused you to lose YOUR MT job as a result, that you can believe. MTs were always going to be collateral damage and no amount of standing up, protesting, or striking woulda changed that. If you think otherwise, you aren't seeing the big picture very clearly. What few decent jobs are left now will not be in 5 years. Works for me since I will retire around that time so if I can make it 5 years in my current job where I average 20/hour from home, I'm happy with that. It was a great career while it lasted and it's sad it no longer is that, but it was never going to outlive the tech. IF docs still cared about the med record, we'd have a fighting chance but they truly don't. Most don't even read what they sign anymore. Many type their own misspelled, typo-laden records and are fine with that rather than paying an MT. Sorry but them's just the facts!!


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