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Excellent post and exactly my point all along. Do whatever - you need to so you can keep going SM

Posted: Sep 28th, 2023 - 5:00 pm In Reply to: I took a crappy 4 CPL job once. - MT3

and find something better, as well as keep a home and food.

These high riders never seem to admit, for all their blaming and shaming and finger pointing with "those of you taking those low wages ruin it for the rest of us" kind of thing, we don't ever hear of those kind of people writing checks to buy groceries or pay housing/bills for those others struggling to keep going until something better comes along.

MTs didn't cause this wage problem and anyone going homeless or starving because someone else doesn't want people taking low wages temporarily is NOT going to bring wages back up.

Everyone needs to take whatever job or wage you can get temporarily and keep looking for something better, and you high riders can go shove off.


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