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I have been where you are and was able to move up. - Very well stated

Posted: Sep 22nd, 2023 - 5:40 pm In Reply to: I've seen this many times posted, how people sit up so tall - and proud on that high horse to refuse 8cpl. SM

I kept at it -- climbed from one crappy job to another not so crappy job until I could get to where I am now. Took a long time, but I made it. I faced foreclosure, no food, no utilities...you name it.

I now work in the legal/medial sector, make fantastic money, and my checks are always on time. I am treated with respect, and I love my work!

When I have posted in the past, the regular board bullies, hateful trolls they are, attacked me nonstop. One even threatened me physically harm me, telling me she knew where I lived!! Shows you how sick some people are on on this board. All because I was helping others.

I have gotten jobs for others, too, but I refuse to ever publish that information publicly. Some people are so damned hateful and mean-spirited. I thank God every day for the progress I have made and the fact that I chose to stick to working on a solution rather than taking the govt dole or acting better than others. NO ONE knows what cross someone else has to carry, or what their personal circumstances may be. There is an old saying, there but for the grace of God, goes I.

God bless you in your endeavors! I appreciated you post.


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