The fact that I think you are missing - Is that these "high riders" Posted: Sep 23rd, 2023 - 9:40 am In Reply to: I've seen this many times posted, how people sit up so tall - and proud on that high horse to refuse 8cpl. SM
have been exactly where you are. Have small children to take care of? Same. Do not have the time or money to learn something new? Same. Have a disability and have parents who depend on us for care? Same and same. The people who have moved on to better jobs don't think we are better than you. We have BEEN you. You seem to believe that all of us are trust fund babies, born with silver spoons in our mouths, when in fact we were faced with the issues that you are, and instead decided to do something about it.
Yes, it was hard. Being poor is hard too. You absolutely have the right to pick your hard, but you deal with the consequences of your choice.
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