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No, people don't always have easy choices. I don't see why that's - so difficult to understand. But then again SM

Posted: Sep 25th, 2023 - 4:54 pm In Reply to: Good Grief - ClickingNails

it's nobody else's business why someone makes the choices they do, and I absolutely despise people for shaming and blaming when you don't know what someone else's life or situation is.

Some people still live rural, or in the mountains, or other outlying areas where high-speed internet may not be available and all they have is satellite. Many online jobs can't or won't allow satellite internet.

This has been said so many time over the years. It's nobody's business why people stay in MT. Some have health problems and can't get out in public to physically demanding work. Some have family issues and can't be away from home for extended periods of time. As well as the competition for any home-based online jobs is viciously fierce, thousands of people applying for those so it's not as easy as "just get an online job like phones or data entry."

Plenty of blaming, shaming, guilt tripping, finger pointing, but I don't see any of you offering to write checks to help out while someone finds another job. Don't see any of you offering to help someone move to a better area with high-speed internet, help with family care, or any other kind of help other than telling people "you have choices."

Why not take the easy road and MYOB.


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