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The fact some of you seem to be missing is - that shaming people does no good. SM

Posted: Sep 23rd, 2023 - 8:30 pm In Reply to: The fact that I think you are missing - Is that these "high riders"

The wage ship has already sailed, been bombed, burned to the waterline, and sunk. It's at the bottom of the ocean and not ever coming back.

It's not any MTs fault the wages are down, it never was. It was hospitals trying save money by cutting MT wages so they could pay for expensively decorated executive offices and homes and other things as well as greedy companies/MTSOs who were willing to do any and everyone dirty so they could get the hospital's business. True story of what happened years ago at a hospital where I worked.

The wages are down. Shaming people now who need to keep a place to live and food to eat is doing nobody any good, the wages won't come back up with shaming. True, some people prefer to stay in MT despite the low wages but, again, that's nobody's business why people do what they do for whatever reason.

Also keep in mind, voice wreck is here to stay, it's never going to leave. I believe someone else posted if American MTs don't do the work for low wages, third-world ESLs will do it.

A person has to do what they have to do to keep going, until they can find something better. You people blaming and shaming need to keep the fact in mind that nothing is ever guaranteed and no matter how valuable you think you are to your job, it could be you without work the next day and scratching for a new job.


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