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Spare me - The only reason employers

Posted: Sep 22nd, 2023 - 9:32 pm In Reply to: I've seen this many times posted, how people sit up so tall - and proud on that high horse to refuse 8cpl. SM

have gotten away with paying pennies per line is because people like you will work for it. Don't you think I would have loved to stay in transcription? I sure would have, but I have family who I need to provide for. We ALL tried to get you to band together with us and refuse to work for nothing, and you undercut our every attempt, by acting like we were some special flower who magically could find other work and you could not.

My horse is of normal size. It just seems like it's high, because you have been crawling through the manure that these companies continue to dump on you, and you won't stand up.


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