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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts.. (Views: 49)

Awesome! - Blaupunkt

Posted: May 26th, 2023 - 2:53 pm In Reply to: Remote scribe - HappyTyper

You've got it made!

I had a Google videoconference with a scribe company. It went vvv well. I don't like all the video/teleconferencing, it's vvv impersonal, but that's the way it is. There were dozens of incumbents on this conference. Some of them had no experience to speak of, and sounded not too intelligent. I'm supposed to hear back from this firm in a week or so. With my experience as an MT/Editor, I don't see how I could get rejected. I was open with them about having a Disability and maybe needing an accommodation Re: shift length, I hope I didn't shoot myself in the foot!

More later...


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