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Not sour grapes, just truth - Thankful I have a great job of 5 years

Posted: Jan 20th, 2017 - 1:36 pm In Reply to: Sound like a lot of sour grapes on this thread lol! - Nickname MT

I have a great job of 5 years doing QA. This place was a temp place for me to get things caught up in my life. Thankful for my company as they are very professional and growing and will be around for a long time. This place, I highly doubt will have the same outcome.

There are no sour grapes, just truth about what each person went through. Just because you haven't seen the "ugly" doesn't mean it didn't happen. When you get let go without reason or they shut down, we will wait to hear about your experience. They let people go right and left and people quit right and left for all the BS they go through. You just haven't been hit yet. Unless, of course, you are the owner or a "lead" or "manager", then I can understand your comment. LOL


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