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Typed your last report - Good for you

Posted: Jan 20th, 2017 - 4:03 pm In Reply to: Agree - Op

You were right on when you stated they feel they owe us anything, otherwise, they would pair a fair wage. All of these companies (or at least 90%) are scum. Taking away benefits, cutting pay due minor errors (Nuance), never letting you get time off even if you have PTO (M*Modal), using PTO for NJA and the list is endless. It is a sad day indeed for this line of work and it won't get any better. I am shocked when I see 3.5 cpl for voice. I am sorry for anyone who is working for that kind of money, but seriously, don't do it. Don't give them that, they don't deserve it. 4 cpl is a slap in the face as it is and the lie of all lies, "you will make double doing editing."


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