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Back at ya Not Worried - sm - Lyrehc

Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 11:52 am In Reply to: Do you work for KS? They don't "frown on coworkers knowing each other". sm - Not Worried

Sure, there is a Facebook group - all the MTs post that are on the owner's good side. No negative remarks there, huh?

People will work during your shift and grab the work, and if you inquire as to who else is working, you'd better believe that you are NOT going to be told. They will even lie and tell you nobody else is working at the same time you are even when you see work disappear.

You said you "know that things will not stay this way." HOW do you know that? They won't stay this way, you are probably right- they will get worse.

Now stop posting here and get back to work because you love that place so much and have plenty of work - go do some.


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