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I understand totally - No revenge

Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 11:37 am In Reply to: EXACTLY - SM

This will be the last answer I give. I understand how you feel. I honestly feel the same way. I am not a pacifist. But I will not give in to those feelings. I just think you need to fight something in the right way. Don't go for the throat and try to destroy - which is what a strike would have done. Give you notice, quit. If you want to file a lawsuit or contact DOL - do what you need to do. If you want to email management, owner, coworkers, etc to let them know your concerns and voice your anger - go for it. But don't be malicious enough to try to shut down a company that other people depend on. You may not be willing to give them a chance to get off their knees - but if others are, what is it to you? Move on with your life. By the way - I have not been paid either, so I get it. I am sticking it out, hoping KS can regroup and go forward. It would be a real shame to see a MTSO fail and a lot of MTs without jobs. I'm done. Have a great day.


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