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Company Board

I did check about the payroll taxes, and they have been paid. sm - Not Worried

Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 10:40 am In Reply to: The biggest message you all can send is contacting - your labor departments. I do not

I was told that xxxx was paid in 2016, which matches my stubs, which matches my records. It's something that can be done with a phone call to the IRS with your SS#. The other company that I work for also paid, so I am good.

Yes, it is concerning that my paychecks have been late but I am sticking behind them because I love my account, have enough work and know that they will fix this. I've been with them a very long time, and I've been burned as in never paid by smaller companies but not Keystrokes. If this continues, I might change my mind, but not now. I have talked to a lot of other co-workers, too, and they feel the same way.


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