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Company Board

The biggest message you all can send is contacting - your labor departments. I do not

Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 9:56 am In Reply to: Lots of KS Peeps must still be working - KS MT

understand why this is not being done. There are repercussions to what KS is doing as far as payroll and you all need to let them deal with KS appropriately. This all needs to be reported so it is documented. I'd also be worried whether they are paying their payroll taxes on time. This could have a huge effect on you all. It's a matter of not being paid as promised, not late payment - period. There should be no need for continuous emails to the company. Payroll is not being made - period. Report this NOW. They get away with it because nobody is letting the appropriate agencies dole out the appropriate consequence. There should be no worry about retaliation. This can also be addressed at the labor department if it becomes a factor. Definitely make sure the appropriate payroll taxes are being paid on your behalf as required. There is clearly a financial issue going on judging by the same scenario happening over and over.


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