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Company Board


Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 11:26 am In Reply to: Integrity is a two-way street. - nm

Integrity IS a two-way street. Your company clearly doesn't have the integrity to pay you, so why do you feel so obligated to help them??? Wake up and open your eyes; THEY ARE SCREWING YOU AND YOUR COWORKERS OVER BIG TIME! Why in the hell would you feel any sense of loyalty or integrity towards that???? I hate to say it, but it's people like you who allow them to continuously get away with this over and over again by turning your back on the issue and saying, "Oh, I don't want them to fail, so I'm not going to say or do anything." Honestly, it makes me sick. You are not doing yourself or your fellow MTs any favors whatsofreakingever. Don't you have any sense of self-worth??? Don't you feel that you deserve to be treated so much better by the company that you work so hard for on a daily basis??? These people are CROOKS. Stop pampering them.


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