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Company Board

I am not responsible - Show Integrity

Posted: Jan 12th, 2017 - 11:28 am In Reply to: Integrity is a two-way street. - nm

I have taught my children that they are not responsible for what others do. They are only responsible for what they do. It is easy to say but hard to practice. This is a good example. Striking out to see a company hurt is wrong. It is revenge. Do right, give notice and quit. As long as they are employing me, the burden is on me to do right. Not because they are doing right but because I want to be an example to my children and others and like who I am. It has been said "It is never right to do wrong and never wrong to do right." I understand the frustration and anger - I get it. But, I can't join the group that wants to cause a company financial loss which will hurt the current employees also. Just do right.


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