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My doctor used syncope as a verb - is this spelled the same? - dotma

Posted: Sep 26, 2010

My doctor used syncope as a verb - is the spelling the same?  the patient was going to syncope. Thanks for any help.  dotm

Syncope as a verb - jeannieb

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I tried to find syncope as a verb. It's a noun. So, I guess you would spell it the same. Strange dictation.

the "verb" syncope - dotma

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Thanks for your opinion - I spelled it the same too - I looked and looked. Appreciate your time..

I have a doc that uses syncopize - all the time

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as in "The patient did not syncopize."

What's with these doctors making up new words and trying to make nouns into verbs?

syncope as a verb - dotma

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thanks for your input. I don't know what's up with using nonwords as 'real' words. But I do appreciate your input. I left it the way she said it (2 times) and I'll see if I hear back. I will post the reply if it enlightens us any. thanks!

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