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To the MTSOs constantly hiring - Please see message

Posted: Sep 24, 2012

So you want MTs to transcribe and edit VR who are skilled and experienced?  You want someone to be a mind-reader with your ESL dictators with no help from QA?  You want a reliable person who is going to work nights, weekends, and holidays for this pay? 

Here's your problem keeping a good MT.  You pay 4 cpl for VR and 7 cpl to transcribe.  At the same time, you expect nothing from your clients.  They are allowed to tie up an MTs time with garbage to the point she makes less than minimum wage.   Either that, or you have put ALL of this type of dictation on VR so you can pay less for a report that you know is going to have to be typed anyway.  This is not what VR was intended for.  You are misusing it and abusing the MT. Okay, there goes your dedication out the window.   You have promised TAT such that you have to over-hire to make sure every report is done as it comes in.  Okay, there goes your reliability out the window.  You require a minimum line count that would be easy to reach if there were ever work there to make it.  You expect an MT to sit at a computer waiting and waiting for a report to come through when she could have already typed 10 and made some money, but she is making nothing during that time with you.  There goes any hope of a productive MT right out the window.  So you are shorthanded, and the work is piling up.  You want MTs to work overtime to get this caught up with no OT pay or comp time, and you do not want that time on their time sheet?  There goes your MT right out the window and the whole process starts all over again.

You expect much and deliver little.  Don't you guys ever learn? 

What a great post! Hits the nail on the head, and here's something else the MTSOs are missing - or never got to begin with

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Your company is the sum total of its asset base. What is its asset base? The asset base is its income stream. All else is secondary to the asset base. Without the income stream, the company doesn't exist.

So, what is the asset base comprised of? It is two-fold. It consists of the client, without whom there is no one to pay for the product or service you provide, and the transcriptionist, without whom there is no product or service to pay for. That's it! That's the end of the discussion! Everything and everyone else is expendible, including you Mr./Ms. CEO. Without the asset base you have nothing.

The transcriptionist part of the asset base may be the easier to exploit and/or take advantage of, but no one part of the asset base is any more or less important to the company's survival than the other, so you need to stop catering to the one at the expense of the other.

Bottom line, you Mr./Ms. service owner/organization can get all the clients there are to be had, but if I don't type/correct the report, you have nothing. If I don't type/correct the report, you don't get paid Mr./Ms. CEO. Nobody does! Not even the doctors! Oh, and all you salaried personnel who are being paid to keep your foot on our necks, where do you think your paycheck ultimately comes from?

So what kind of character would you, Mr./Ms. CEO, say is being displayed when you (or someone you pay to do it for you) slap the face that belongs to the hands that feed you?

Unconscionable greed and ungrateful are a couple of terms that immediately come to my mind.

Brava! (nm) - incognito

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Understand the frustration but... - beentheredonethat

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We don't have control over others, only ourselves.

Why don't MTs learn to NOT ACCEPT jobs that pay little to nothing and expect a lot in return? This info is conveyed prior to hire so it's not like we're blindsided.

MTs stop accepting bad job=MTSOs eventually will be forced to clean up their act.

because they lie to us to take the job and we have high expectations - anon19

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we accept based on what we are told and promised, only to find out down the road that we were once again, "duped!" Stop blaming the MT and put it where it truly belongs!

I might add, very importantly. - sm

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PTO is a benefit, and you should not expect MTs to use this to your benefit. It is hard enough to earn it when there is precious little work. If you have too many MTs, fix it. If there is low/no work, do not expect someone to use their PTO to make up for those lost wages. That is not what it is for. How would you like to have what little vacation time you have used for this purpose?

Also, the above poster commented that we should not take these jobs with low-paying wages. Really.....? I have been looking and looking hard. There are very, very few jobs available that offer more. Yes, you hear about MTs earning more, working under better conditions, with companies that are fair. I know that is true, but these jobs are not plentiful by any means. I wish to stay in this business, but these companies are going to have understand why they have unreliable MTs who are no longer dedicated to an MTSO requiring so much for so little. The MTs are going to have to start weeding them out.

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