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OK I have a major issue at TTS - anyone else? - Double dipping and cherry picking

Posted: May 07, 2010

I work for a company whose initials are TTS.  I was told that QA works on editing and transcribing too and QA has the ability to assign work to themselves.  In other words not only do they take work away from the MT but they can choose which work/dictators they want to do. 

Isn't this a conflict of interest?   I know other companies do not allow double dipping but it was confirmed to me TTS does this and that the QA people have the ability to pick and choose what they want to do. 

Are other companies allowing QA to do MT work? 


Mine does - still mting

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QA is required to still do 50% MT and yes, I've noticed they get to be choosey.

Even MQ got rid of double dipping - Unfair to MTs

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I actually have seen good dictation disappear overnight and the bad stuff stays at TTS. They should look into this stuff but I think the top management doesn't care who does what as long as they get the work done. Cherry picking is HUGE at TTS by QA.

I work for TTS too... who actually confirmed this? - lka

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I probably work one of the lousiest shifts during mid-day into evening not to mention every single weekend. My weekends are Tues and Wed. I just happen to be taking a break and see this. It's funny, cuz right now I am having a personal best with my line count right now. Many times I average around the 400 lph, have a good account, lots of ESLs but only a few that are absolutely the worst. Can we talk? Every time I try to e-mail a co-worker they never respond... why is that? It would be nice to have a supportive co-worker wouldn't it? Ohhhhh, I really do not like hearing this now about the double dipping and cherry picking.

A QA person confirmed the cherry picking to me - Truth

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I asked and a person who is in a position to know confirmed QA can assign work to themselves. This was after I had noticed work with less priority was being done before high priority work and that was the explanation I was given. QA can and does assign themselves the work they want to do regardless of priority status.

Dunno... - sm

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Maybe there isn't enough for them to just do QA all day and they have to also transcribe/edit?

I work for TTS and have a ton of work, have never run out and frankly don't see a problem with them having the ability to assign their own work. I also work an off shift, but got to choose my own hours when hired.

I have never understood this "cherry picking" thing....words are words and they all need to be typed, that's what we get paid for. You just take the good dictators with the bad and get on with your day. Be grateful you have a job....there are a ton of people who wish they did. :)

Words aren't just words. - Otherwise there would be no cherry picking

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The QA people don't see words as words and assign themselves easier dictators. Easier dictators means more LPH which means more money.. The more MTs have to correct the less money they make. The more garbled the dictator the less MTs makes.

QA can and will cherry pick the easier dictators. Watch out for double dipping cherry picking QA staff at TTS.

Cherry picking - 15+ exp

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Bloody right! Why should they get the "cream" while we get the "dregs" of dictation? When I used to be a supervisor, anyone caught doing that was fired. You get what comes up, no questions asked.
Supervisors and owners look the other way when it comes to QA cherry pickers - TTS = Corrupt & incompetent company
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Do not work for TTS if you don't want to get bottom of the barrel MT work after QA staff pulls what they want. There is such a blatent display of cherry picking and if you bring it to their attention you will be told it must be your lying eyes when you see cherry picking going on and you can see the cherry picking on Escription platform.

Don't bother even reporting it to the owners. You can be fired for rattling their cages.

Dunno---You have GOT to be joking. - Dorris

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''words are just words''---when you are a production MT?! Seriously? Anyone in this line of work knows that how ''words'' are uttered can make or break the MT. Plus, a steady diet of bad dictators makes an already difficult job even more exhausting. Ever heard of the concept of fair play? It's very simple. EVERYBODY takes work as it comes--the good and the bad--and no one, QA or MT, cherrypicks. With your attitude, YOU be grateful YOU have a job! If you are cherrypicking, you don't deserve one and your supervisor should be watching you more closely. Those who justify cherrypicking or minimize its effect, try working in a warehouse and telling your co-workers that it's no big deal if you just lift the light-weight boxes and leave the heavier ones for them! You wouldn't last too long, would you.

Sour Grapes = WHINE - Loyal TTSer

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Please take your sour grapes and go make some WHINE. While you're busy stirring the pot, the rest of us are eating. Period.

Could it be TTS manager with multiple personalities? - LOL - red

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Aren't you the mad woman who thinks everyone who criticizes TTS has an ax to grind. The woman who screamed at me till her voiced cracked? Face facts and face the truth. Not many of your MTs respect management of TTS and many MTs have left because of it.

Stop your whining and fix TTS.

she has a right to complain about the mechanics of her position and you need to back off - anon

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yes, mine does and she makes the most money, too! sm - tiredmtbeatupactually

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and eveyone else seems to make the same no matter what because whatever is left over is divided. Pathetic point is we are all capable of doing more for ourselves and the company - but the hog takes it all and it is enough to make you vomit when you start your second job.

OMG - Making sense

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The generalizing here is just amazing.

So the original poster has information that QA also edit/transcribe and can "cherry pick," tell me just because QA (it turns out it is not QA but MTs who occasionally do some QA work when the QA people are swamped) can select some jobs does that mean they do? What a leap. Immediately because one can that means, to you, one does.

I also know those team members are hourly workers, so as an hourly worker what incentive is there to take the good work and make more money? None really.

And do you really think once an MT goes to QA team member/occasional QA work that he or she is held to different standards and not supervised at all?

Then there is the disappearing good dictation, overnight. Does everybody work only the day shift? Are these accounts overflow? Do the clients call the shots and release all the bad dictation to the service/in this case TTS and save the best for their inhouse MTs?

All considerations I see missing from this very polarized discussion.

Take a breath and consider some opinions different from your own. This knee-jerk jumping to conclusions stuff is tiresome and simply a very narrow view and it is opinion...very little if any fact.

Don't let facts confuse you Ms. Manager/Owner - QA team does cherry-pick

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It is verified by an ex-QA person that QA people did pick and choose their work when they were doing MT work. Whether they get paid hourly or not for MT work is debatable, but no one wants to suffer through bad dictators and send back reports with blanks.

You have an opinion which suits your needs to defend TTS but I have the truth which you obviously don't want to hear.

Fix the system at TTS and quit trying to defend the stupid decisions that are leading to your company's bad publicity.

No, OMG--you are NOT making sense. - Dorris

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Obviously, work flow must be adjusted for STAT dictations and turn-around times. That does NOT negate the fact that cherrypicking DOES occur, is unfair, and there is nothing ''knee-jerk'' about MTs complaining loud and clear about it. So YOU take some deep breaths. And hourly or production, it isn't difficult to understand that, hourly worker or production worker, anyone would prefer transcribing what is clearly spoken versus the difficult-to-understand/hear dictations. You are either extremely naieve or disingenuous but before you write condescending posts about an unfair practice you are either participating in or know little about, you need to get a clue.

to OMG - where have you been? this goes on everywhere. - mtm

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but unethical practices did not start there - no, no. Cut-throat and puppet strings was the result of MTSOs skimming off the MTs with bogus line count calibrations and sending overseas.

OMG is probably just a member of the - QA cherry pickers

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And afraid that if this is brought out into the open that maybe the company might put a stop to it. After all, nobody would ever want to lose a good thing like this.

Thou doth protest too much?

Just remember, where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

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