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the well-trained speech engine - Snow Bunny (the original)

Posted: Jun 10, 2014

This is copied/pasted from a document I'm to be working on. I have not yet proofed anything. What you are about to read is what appears on the screen. It's a fast dictator. The service is v-e-r-y emphatic about keeping the speech engine constantly updated with corrected documents. *THIS* is what I'm talking about. 

The patient is a very pleasant 73-year-old gentleman who returns today for an evaluation.  He was last seen by.  His pain is though a very low back pain.  He denies any radicular complaints.  Since his last visit.  He is doing well with Percocet 10/325 q.i.d., but he would and states that he is unable to sit for longer than 55 to 15 minutes.  He is doing well with his analgesic regimen but again, would like to reduce his dependence, and, therefore, is considering lumbar facet joint diagnostic median branch block.  Since last visit, he received a good report from his PCP routine health routine health maintenance checkup as well as his cardiologist checkup.  Other than what has been described above, no new elements are added to his past medical, surgical or allergy history.  

The service is just echoing a line of IT bull. - Val

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Why do they bother mentioning it? Every corrected document is supposed to "train" the speech engine and it obviously doesn't.

I guess I'm not explaining things correctly - Snow Bunny (the original)

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Your editing/correcting the documents by itself is not what improves the speech engine. This is a separate "action."

Let's take Dragon, which is created by Nuance and is for the single user. I dictate a letter to a friend and then go back and proof it. After proofing I would click on EDIT, ANALYZE DOCUMENTS ... and then the program reads/analyzes the document. It will adjust itself for context and also highlight words not in the current dictionary. I then have the option of adding and/or training those words.

If I do this, there's a strong possibility that if I re-dictate the entire letter, it'll be 99% accurate (or better). If I don't do this additional step, then the speech engine hasn't learned anything.

IOW ... your correcting/editing the document does not improve the speech engine UNLESS whoever is at the facility does this additional step AFTER the documents have been returned. For a hospital, with the sheer volume of transcribed reports, it would have to be done on a daily basis.

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