A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Hi, I'm a former Acute Care Transcriptionist who has 12 years hospital, 2 years clinical experience including not cherry-picking and found out years later that their most experienced transcriptionist refused to do an account I was put on due to the ESL ratio. They did try to make me feel like I was the one who was stoopid, etc..... aside from that....I retired from this profession to home-school my children full-time, be a wife and mother...hubby is very high maintenance....
Anyhow, I was wondering what marketable sklls a transciprtionist might have that would serve well in other professions. I have checked out coding (seems viable), data entry (pays too low), system analyst (ummmm, no money to go to school, no brains for the math and science technical aspect or at the very least, I'm just tired and want to go do a job, make money and be happy). Seriously, what I see looking at the boards is that not much has changed in the time I have been away. Very disheartening to look at job posts and see other companies acting like the "Q". I was a former MQ transcriptionist. Yes, I was notified on the class action law suit. That's a red flag for me for sure....don't wanna go back there.
So, sorry for all the rambling, what I find that I really loved about my job was the fact I could go to the computer, type and make good money, and not have to deal with people. Okay, so I'm anti-social, at least I'm honest. :) What do you think transciptionist have that would be valueable in other types of employement that might really be appreciated? The tenacity of a bulldog? a spirit of not giving up even when things are difficult? taking pride and getting pleasure of knowing you did your very best? even when you weren't acknowledged for it?
See, I have been researching and I find I like to research things...I have earned the nickname "Google Queen" in my family for this characteristic trait...but aside from that and my anti-socialism...what are marketable skills? Good command of English language, I hope, spelling- really good, can type 156 wpm within 98% accuracy yet it really gripes my goat that we are still referred to as just typists and anyone walking in off the street can do this job...yeah right! I see EMR as opening up a whole new can of worms in regards of risk assessment and analysis... ??? Can you tell me as a patient you want someone in the room with the doctor other than a nurse, NOT ME!!! So how will this all transition? I am actually looking at business ethics and law due to all that has gone down in the transcription industry. Any ideas...? I know you all are the best when it comes to answering this question. Schools just want to make money, business owners want to figure out how to pad themselves without looking out for employees anymore...please tell me there is something out there for me. It is hard enough to even consider returning to work, much less all the aspects of being old, a dying industry, and not ever really knowing what you wanted to do when you grew up??? If anything, thanks for having an ear while I rambled and vented.