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Hard drive shot...now what? - Can this day get any longer?

Posted: Jun 21, 2010

OK, here's the scoop. I am working on an older company-provided Dell running XP that's basically on the very last of its legs (got the blue screen of death this morning but was able to finally get to Windows and into my program). I talked with our IT guy today, and he said to get a new hard drive and have the old info transferred (at my expense, because of new company rules). I work on ChartScript.net and asked if that ran on Vista because I could then use my laptop, our only other computer. He went ahead and installed it all the way to the point where, of all things, my foot pedal wouldn't work. 

I have since received confirmation from the company that CS.net is NOT compatible with Vista, and I need to get another XP computer. 

In researching here on this site, there was an old post about someone who used a program called Partition Magic to run both Vista and XP on their laptop and was able to work that way with no problem. However, the post was a little old, and I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas on the most economical and time-sensitive way to do this. 

The company's other option was to train me on another platform that is supported on Vista.

I'm just so tired and need some good news...anyone got any for me? Thanks in advance...


Hard Drive shot - 15+ exp

[ In Reply To ..]
I posted a week or so ago about using Partition Magic to create a dual-boot system. It's very easy to do on a brand new drive, a little more PITB with Vista already installed. Vista should also have it's own way to partition your drive - I believe it's in the management tools on control panel. If MQ is like I remember (gladly left many years ago), if you do this your drive with XP has to be the C: drive and the Vista the D: drive (or whatever you choose to call it). You can google this and there are some good step-by-step instructions. You also have to have a full version XP install disk to do this either on a new drive or an existing Vista drive you have partitioned. You can e-mail me if you like and I will try to explain it better.

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