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Donald Trump mentioned in his speech - Ang

Posted: Apr 27, 2011

outsourcing of jobs to India!!!  Maybe he actually gets it.... How can our economy improve when our jobs are going overseas???????

SERIOUSLY? - Trump is a Chump

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Do you HONESTLY think Mr. Trump(ed-up claims) doesn't use offshore labor? Come on now.

How long do you think it would take for our country to take a nose-dive with all his "I am the almighty Trumpisms" pissing off the rest of the world. This guy is about as clueless as a 2 x 4, which IMO, is what he needs to bang his head against.

He opens his mouth, he's lying. So please don't get all excited because he ACKNOWLEDGED jobs are going to India.

Is what our leaders are doing now working? - Ang

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The hostile countries will be pissed at us no matter what, and China within several years will be bypassing us as the superpower if things do not change. I do not claim to know everything about Donald Trump, but what I do know is we need a president with some backbone and a person that other countries will actually take seriously and believe that he means what he says.

I understand where you are coming from. - Everyone who has SM

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had their jobs offshored feels vindicated when they hear someone on TV acknowledge the problem. Ed Schultz of MSMBC is a a good example. We think "He gets it". The problem is Ed Schultz, Donald Trump, or whoever are not politicians. Trump can say whatever he wants as he is not in a position to change anything and he never will be. Offshoring benefits corporations, and a lot of politicians are beholden to them. It does not matter who is in the White House, it will not change.

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