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nice way to start the pay period - deb

Posted: Dec 20, 2014

22 line report, 1 major error, quality score 95.something (don't have it pulled up right now) now and none of blanks i sent it for in the first place were showing at all, whether they had been filled in or not.  I swear it feels like this person is out to get me.

Here's what I'm doing - now

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QA has all the power now don't they so what I do is pretend I work for hourly pay. I take my time, slow down the audio, relisten if I have to, spend time looking stuff up, etc., etc. I work like I worked for years before I worked on production.

I used to try and produce as much as I could and just fly through to make money. I realized I was feeling really stressed doing it that way.

So, now that our pay is in QAs hands, and you can bet some of them relish the power, I'm taking my time and just doing the best report I can. I don't care how long it takes. I still make mistakes but who doesn't?

For my own health and sanity, I had to let it go. Yes, my line count suffers a bit but I just can't jump through all of their hoops anymore.

I still get dinged but so be it. Since the pay plan started I have yet to log in to Fiesa. I'm not submitting any reversals either because the audits seem to really escalate if an error is reversed. I'm doing my job and ignoring the rest. It's wonderful really.

By taking a deep breath and relaxing, I've been able to enjoy my work SO much more.

That's what works for me personally. That, and looking for another job.

Here's what I am doing now - fivefingers

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I have taken a similar approach, unfortunately, if I slow down and produce near perfect documents, I get dinged for my lines per hour. It really is a no win situation.

start to pay peroid - deb

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these are good ideas -- you're right, we get dinged for something one way or the other; go slower to try to be more accurate -- dinged for low line count; go faster to get line count, still trying to be accurate -- dinged for errors. Guess I need to try and learn how to live with it :)

Lines per hour versus slow for accuracy - I agree

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that you just can't win. BUT, if the focus is now on "patient safety" then that's what I'm focusing on too and the only way for me to turn out an accurate document is to take my time. They just can't have it both ways. Sure, there may be MLSs who can do both, but I don't think that's where the majority of us fall. No offense, just reality.

So as I said above, I'm taking a deep breath and slowing it all down and going for accuracy. It's so great to chuck that churning stomach that I had prior to every shift.

As much as I despise that song from "Frozen" it's my new theme song. . ."Let It Go." (and now it will be in my head for the rest of the day). :)
accuracy vs speed - Toni
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I went for accuracy vs speed and they terminated me! Just sayin'...
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Hopefully you can get unemployment. It really doesn't matter which way you type, if you get more per line at only 100 lines an hour versus 200 lines per hour at the lower rate it still comes out almost the same.

The problem with Nuance is that no one is perfect and they are nitpicking every report for every little .,? etc., that they can find.

They want perfection and no one is especially when we type this much per day.

You can't win with them. sm - nothappy
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If you slow down for accuracy, you don't produce enough lines. If you produce a lot of lines, your score suffers. I'm going for lines. I tried to slow down the 1st week of this pay crap and lost $200. So screw that - I have bills to pay. They can fire me for all I care.
Just goes to show....they really do not give - a hoot about patient safety
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All they care about is $$$...and the more lines you produce the more money they get. So this façade works for them--they get everyone to speed up (who cares if it affects accuracy, which it WILL)...and then now that they have all these errors to catch they can now have all the production and pay less, hopefully only 7 cents a line (3.5 in reality...VR)....So they are actually encouraging MTs to speed up at the cost of accuracy (w/o coming out and saying it--in fact that's why they titled the pay plan Patient Safety Plan....another façade. Scheisters!!

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