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Wouldn't have been nice if . . . - anon

Posted: Jan 02, 2014

If corporate realized how hard and difficult our job is and perhaps, at the very least, wiished us a Happy Holiday season and thanked us for all we do? 

And rhen I woke up and smelled the coffee.

OOPS. - anon

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Meant to say wouldn't it have been nice.

Probably get dinged for improper language use.

Hard and difficult? I wouldnt go that far. But it would be nice to be recognized - for our technical skills and thanked

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I have never considered my job hard or difficult. But then again I have worked in fast food, retail and factory work before I came into MT.

Hard and difficult because - anon

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We have to know multiple client profiles and can be subjected to NJA, having to decipher ESL's, leaving a blank and being told it was clearly dictated, and so on and so on.

client profile is right there in front of you in Fluency. what is so hard about that? - ESLs leave a blank

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I agree with you - sm

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I actually don't find this job all that difficult once doing it a few years. Like you, I've worked in much more stressful and difficult jobs over the years and didn't even make half of what I do now and was never really thanked or recognized in those jobs either.

You obviously don't do - Acute Care in a big way

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You must have some pretty cushy clinic work if you think it's not hard. So, you do just clinic? Just 2 docs?

If you are doing acute care, there is nothing easy about it. Clinic is "easy." Hospital ER notes don't count as acute care, they're more clinic.

Nope, SHDA - I get the worst of the worst

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I still would rather be doing this than working the line at an understaffed popular restaurant and getting paid half as much with no benefits.
I have worked in all specialties, op notes, radiology, etc - still would rather do this than wait tables
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I consider any and all transcription a cushy job and thankful to have it

HA! A former TSM sent a cute merry christmas - The Typing Dead

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with pictures of her dogs and was forced to rescind it.

Don't you know, you can't be too careful about religious holidays these days.

I'm an atheist, but I still wish a Merry Christmas to all Christians and Happy Hannukah to my grandsons, et al.

Former TSM - MountainWoman

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I was wondering why I got the e-mail, and one saying it was being taken back (?). I sure miss her :(

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