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Adept Not a nice image! - D

Posted: Jun 04, 2012

Well, I just had a very offputting (to say the least) conversation with a person at Adept Transcription. I tend to be a very reasonable, pleasant person and am upset at the way I was treated. This woman was downright nasty! She didn't like that I called the company. Now, she could have just told me that communication via e-mail was preferred. I would have apologized for the inconvenience and hung up. Rather, she told me I was not employable and hung up on me. Wow! What have we come to, that we can't connect except through e-mail?

Anyway, if you're thinking about employment at Adept, my suggestion is DON'T! A company who hires people that are downright unpleasant on the phone (which to my way of thinking is unprofessional) cannot be a good place to work. I realize this was my experience, and it may not be yours, so, if you really want to work there - DON'T CALL 'EM!

Your experience with Adept - nn

[ In Reply To ..]
First of all, I am sorry that you had an unpleasant experience. However, most places when posting ads, state no phone calls please or do not even list a phone number. This is especially true if it is a smaller service and most people do not want to be flooded with phone calls. I have always just sent my resume with a cover letter via email to a prospective company, then if they contact me via phone, I ask the questions. This is pretty much normal for most companies.

Nasty Representative - D

[ In Reply To ..]

I absolutely understand what you're saying, and in all honesty, I cannot remember whether there was a proviso in their e-mail to me or not... That said, I still think the person with whom I spoke could have been more professional and at the very least, pleasant. Immediately, she should have said, "We really do not take phone calls; would you mind putting your questions in an e-mail?" Instead, after telling me "We really don't take phone calls," she said, "But go ahead." I mistakenly took that as an "okay" to go ahead and ask my question. Then she became angry with me for continuing when she gave me the "go ahead" in the first place! 

I'm not going to beat a dead horse here. It's over. I just wanted to make possible candidates - particularly "newbies" like me - aware, since I have heard some negative things about Adept before. Now, I wish I had heeded those comments. 

Anyway, thank you for responding!

Adept doesnt sound very ADEPT at phone etiquette! - Instead, it sounds INEPT. It should ADAPT. NM

[ In Reply To ..]

Nasty Adept - D

[ In Reply To ..]

Money mouth  I love your play on words! That was funny...

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