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A nice benefit to Magic Jack - Alice

Posted: Mar 17, 2010

While it may not work for actual long-distance phone calls, especially for use with C-phones, Go-to-meeting, and such as that, I found a nice benefit today to having the Magic Jack.  It has call forwarding that can be turned on and off.  So, I use my magic jack number for job contacts.   I have calls forwarded to my home office number only during working hours.  The magic jack phone does not have to be actually connected to the computer, and the computer does not have to be actually turned on for the call forwarding to work.  If I want to be left alone on my day off, I simply disable the call forwarding feature.  I can activate the voicemail or not.  At the same time, if I want to receive calls at all times, I can forward the magic jack calls to my cell phone that I carry with me when I go out.  It is really nice.  Just thought I would share.  I do not work for the Magic Jack company; I'm just a happy customer.  It is $39.95 for the first year, $19.95 yearly after that, and it connects through the USB port.  I have used it in my laptop to make long-distance calls across the country with no problem.

what kind of internet connection to you have? - nm

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Answer - Alice

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thanks. So, you can have local DSL provider w/out local phone - provider, and use Majic Jack instead? sm

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If you would please explain this to me I would appreciate your insight. Thank you, Alice.
Answer - Alice
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Yes, I still have a local phone number from the phone company. The Magic Jack is not here to replace my home phone, but I use Magic Jack for business. I like the fact that, unless I have purposely forwarded Magic Jack calls to my home phone, I know that I will NOT be getting business calls on my home phone, especially on my days off.

I, for one, will never again post my home phone number online anywhere, or give it to an employer, client, etc. Those will be given my Magic Jack number which I have complete control over when and where it rings.
DSL verizon - ..
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I asked my DSL Verizon about this particular question. You can keep DSL without local phone from verizon BUT, since you have no local service with DSL, your rate goes up to $41 a month instead of mine $23 a month.

Another poster said, while long distance may not work?? did you mean in general, or just with CPhone & GotoMeeting. TV ads say long distance, nation wide and can take the Jack Device overseas and call to U.S.

I have been looking into getting a Magic Jack - Typin_away

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I haven't had a landline in many years. It would be nice to have a home phone again and $20 a year for unlimited calling is great!

You said "may not work for actual LD phone calls" (sm) - Long time MT

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What does that mean? I thought the whole point was to use it for actual LD phone calls (or maybe I am misunderstanding what you said)? Can I keep my current phone number that I have had for a long time?

Answer - Alice

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I don't think your current phone number would be transferable to Magic Jack.

Sometimes, the Magic Jack does not work for such things as conference calls. I was on a call once and I could hear them perfectly, but they could not hear me, and I was not muted.

It is not a perfect system, but it has worked for me on long distance calls 99% of the time.

However, it would not work for unlimited long distance such as is required for C-phones, dial-up internet connection, etc. Also, there is a clause about "overuse", for which I am not clear. There was something about the account being cut off if use exceeds 20% more than the average daily use of other users, whatever that is.

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nm ...