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Fastchart - Looking for information - Grandy
Posted: Oct 22, 2009
Anyone work for Fastchart??? Looking for information before I dive in.
I tested for them, then ran as fast as I could - CrankyBeach
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when I read the details in the information they sent me. The line rate they offered was laughable, and adding insult to injury, it was for IC work, not employee. I wouldn't work for 6 cents a line as an employee with benefits, much less IC.
They also CHARGE the MTs to use their system (!) and waive the charge if you hit a certain line quota, but they were rather fuzzy about whether this would also apply if it was THEIR fault (i.e. low workload) and not yours if you didn't make quota.
Now that the archives are back online, you might try searching for older posts on that topic.
For all I know, it might be a fine place to work, if you can live with their quirks, and if you can't find work anywhere else. But I think you can probably do better.... Good luck with the job search, anyway!
Fastchart - Cruiser1
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I quit working for them a while ago, after only a couple of months. My account was overstaffed and restricted most days of the week. QA staff is the most unprofessional I have ever dealt with, just downright nasty. They pick your work to death, will tell you one thing one day, then write you up for doing that the next day. They will also hold you responsible for the lousy, inadequate training they provide. They are constantly changing account directions without telling you, you are responsible for re-reading the directions every day, which, incidentally, are huge are are posted all over the place and sometimes contradictory, but you have to access directions in numerous different places on their web site to keep from missing something. They dooooo charge a fee for the use of their system, even though most days there is not enough work to allow everybody to meet their line counts. Their sound quality sucks and God help you if you skip what you thought was an "uh" or "um" and their QA decides it was an "a" or "the".
FastChart - spellchecker
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I work for them now, haven't found any problems YET! I will say they have bent over backwards for me as my computer died and am waiting for a replacement. I don't know how long they will wait though. I may get my puter up and running login and find I no long have a job lol. Such is life. But I do know I can get a better one.
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