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Venting about QA - NTS MLS

Posted: Jul 30, 2013

Gotta vent while awaiting manager response.  I do this report yesterday that required a cosigner, who I could not understand the name of.  The resident goes on to say the name of the cosigner again at the end of the report, but I still could not understand it (ESL).  I pend the report because of lack of knowing who the cosinger was and today I did one of those wonderful CPSE cirtical error emails because I did not put in the cosigner.  It gets better, the QA puts in the comment box that she couldn't understand the name either, yet she erred me for not knowing it!  I am so close to posting her name....GRRRRR!

OMG You have got to be kidding - new but old

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That is proof they are totally insane; that makes absolutely no sense. I had one of those before where I put in the pend note that there were multiple blanks and that I had a very difficult time understanding the speaker and I got penalized for leaving too many blanks and in their explanation for marking me off, they commented that the dictator was very difficult to understand but yet I got marked off

Which is another example of why I do not look at FIESA and I delete those stupid emails. - mt2

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Nuance will do everything in their power to NOT pay you a bonus so why sweat it? I simply work to make a check -nothing more, nothing less. Keeps me sane - that a nice tall glass of wine at the end of my day.

Venting - NTS MLS

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Mt2: I agree about not checking Fiesa. I have spent way too much of my own time on that crap, but>>>> sometimes I just can't wait till the end of my shift for that tall glass of wine :)
Sometimes I doctor my tea with wine to make it through my shift - :) - mt2
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LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

I thnk I had the same dictator - Nan

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But I saved the voice file to document how truly awful he is - AND I saved the VR report and my edited report. When the rock war begins - that voice file will be one I lob at them first. I can hardly wait for them to defend that crappy work and justify how it is they expect MTs to spin that into 99% perfection.

Can't wait for Nuance to be in the hot seat. Won't that be fun?

QA - anon

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Raise H*** about this one. If this is truly the case, this should not be wrong. Make sure you pended it for this reason. A pend for blanks without noting that you couldn't find the co-signer won't work. I work in QC and know it shouldn't be marked against you if you made note of the issue and pended it as such.

How can you prove what is in the pend note? - anon

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When we get the reports back or even look them up, the pend note we left is not visible.

What is to prevent them from erasing whatever was in the pend note?

I don't think there is a single honest person on the QA/QC team now that a nice bonus is involved.

My big problem is my TL ignores every reversal request I send to her. I will send it 3 and 4 times with no response.

We can't prove a pend note, this is why.. - NTS MLS

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This is why I wait, breathe and then send a nice request. It is in their hands. Also, I put the date in the subject line and request "read confirmation" every time I send out an email. This way if I have to go up the chain of command, I have proof they got the email.

Proof - Copy and Paste - FYI

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Open your task manager on top of the report, copy, paste into PAINT with your PRINT SCREEN key.

You can always cross out the patient information with a black line to alleviate any HIPAA violation.

Every file has a Hx that retains pend comments - Kitty

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Managers with access to eMon can view the History of every file, and every level/version is stored and all Pend comments are documented.

Latest injustice with the Nuance QA - Millie

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Keep a log of what you pended.  The latest thing Nuance QCs are doing is to take off 0.25 or more even if you have left a blank!  Which is precisely WHY YOUR PENDED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, SO YOU WOULD NOT GET DINGED.  This, to me, is a very underhanded way because as you have said and  others have too, there is no way to see what you pended and what you did not, so the QC if questioned can easily lie and said you left it blank and did not pend.  I feel this kind of thing is deliberate and I may be getting very paranoid by now having been here more than 3 years and never getting a QA'd report that is better than 98% due to the method of their madness to drive the MLS to doubt here own integrity.

I have to be careful about raising hell. - NTS MLS

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I wait a few minutes before writing the emails about things like this that piss me off. Gotta cool down then then writ nicely. My manager will just ignore my request. Super frustrating that they can't give us a little paid time to review emails and combat bullshit.

Good idea - Nan

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Count to 10 then reply. Otherwise you'll get one of those snippy counseling calls followed by the "reiteration" emails for CYA per HR. You know those documentation emails where they send you that say, "To reiterate you said, and I said, and then I said, and you said."

The same thing happened to me - sm

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I wrote my TL days ago and am still waiting to hear back. I pended to QC for there being a problem with the report and I got a CPSE for there being a problem with the report.

Only worry about post-audit - Burnedoutco

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It is really frustrating when you get these critical errors, but if you pend a report even a critical error does not count against you. When you go to Fiesa look only for post-audit scores as important. That is the only score that really counts. I ignore the rest as garbage. But, if you pended a report and then it shows up in post-audit with a bad score, then you can get it reversed because someone else has proofed it and it is THEIR fault. I really like getting a post-audit previously pended report reversed because hopefully it makes whoever proofed it look bad (payback for the snide notes they seem to enjoy sending). Hope this makes sense. I keep a note of the job numbers I pend and then they show up "post-audit" with a bad score, then I make request for a reversal. It is just not worth wasting your time, energy and anger on anything else.

Post audit "corrections" have ramped up lately too - QA must also be getting bonus

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I have had 1.0 deductions for "a," "an" and "the" on post audit within the last few weeks. They are also only auditing short reports now. Yeah, I know, "dispute them." That may work with your TL, but not mine. She doesn't even open FIESA dispute e-mails.

Then go directly to HR and file a dispute - You are entitled to get those

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reviewed, ESPECIALLY since it involved your pay. There has to be an attorney somewhere that would love to chew this company up, but good. If enough of us hammer them, like they hammer us, we might get somewhere. I do not let 1 single audit slide and I go as far up the food chain as I have to, to get attention. I am sick of them screwing us every way to Sunday and back.

Happens to me too all the time - Sadly

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When I go in and pend AND take time to write what is wrong, it's just insult to injury. It's taken my time to put those yellow flags in there, and then they kick you for it with a major FIESA error anyway?

Guess how many more pend notes I write?

None. They get five underscores and I move on. No point in doing much else is there?

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