A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I swear, these so-called intelligent doctors have no common sense at all. Let's see how much noise we can have in the backgroun and talk as fast as we possibly can to see if the transcriptionist can get my dictaion right. This guy talks so fast I don't even know how he can get the words clearly out of his mouth, then he must have called someone on speaker phone because I can hear the phone ringing and ringing and ringing, and then his pager goes off which of course he pulls closer to him to look at it. All the while continuing to talk like speedy gonzales. Don't they realize that any noise is going to be recorded, not just their voice?? Oh wait, let's also stand next to someone else who is also dictating. Ooohhh, I just want to scream. As part of training, all dictators should be forced to listed to their dictation to get a sense of what others (us) have to listen to.
I could continue on and on, but venting over so I can get back to typing Mr. Speedy Common Senseless.