A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jul 18, 2012

I just have to vent.....the thing that I cannot stand most about this job - even more than the pay, the lack of work, etc....is when the dictator CHEWS GUM when he/she is dictating.  The sound of someone smacking their gum, whether in person or on the phone, makes me CRAZY.  I am positive they do not do this in front of patients or other doctors...but since we aren't 'real people' to them...they just smack away.  I can barely get through the report.  OK.  Done.

I think my biggest pet peveve is - Perry Umbilical

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those high pitched, nasaly, 5-year-old overly spoiled girl voices! I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard all day then sit through one dictation of these so called professional women.

One of mine - sm

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Doctor is dictating........stops to talk to office staff, take a phone call, or read through the chart, and then forgets where he was and says, let's start over - after you have typed 2 long paragraphs, and they are not close enough to leave it!!!

Someone figure out where the appropriate location is and - we should all send letters.

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I don't know, say maybe once a week we all mail off anonymous letters to the same place, the universities, the hospitals, etc. Picture some part-time mailroom worker hauling in a bag of letters to a department head. Wouldn't they just pass out when they opened the letters and they all read that we are requesting proper dictating etiquette? The first thing they would say is, what�s a healthcare documentation specialist? Never heard of it.

too funny, but - it should read

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Joe Blow, Heathcare Documentation Specialist (formerly known as Medical Transcriptionist)

*that way, its official*

Bringing up phlegm - Maxs mom

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I just did a 9-minute report from a doctor who was continually clearing his sinuses. Wasn't just a little sniffle, but full-fledged bringing up phlegm. Wouldn't that be something you would do in the privacy of your bathroom? Not into the phone while you are dictating? DISGUSTING!

I also hate it when they talk through a mouth full of food, or when they smack their lips or make mouth noises when punctuating a sentence. That drives me crazy.

This drives me crazy - Yawning

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I have one particular dictator who yawns all the time. He eats lunch while dictating as well, but at least lunch is only at lunchtime. He yawns all day long throughout almost every report. He talks right through the yawns, too. It makes me feel so sleepy myself.

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