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The lines are up for approval so - check to see if

Posted: Mar 11, 2015

you've won the weekly Nuance lottery or if your weekly pay has been penalized into oblivion! THAT's the exciting new change they've been talking about! 

I had 100% on audit scores but they're not using THAT one - Hapless

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How can they get away with this using my quality score from February 14 through February 20 for the one ending last Friday? They are really getting into the illegal area. I am to tears.

not a surprise - anon

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There have been about 1,824 emails and messages regarding those changesâ€Â¦done so we have time to dispute audits. There's a schedule of what scores count for which pay period, and it's been out there for awhile. It was scheduled to start with last week's time sheet pay period.

Hey "anon" we know who you are - Fresh face

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You are one of those crooks just checking up on the drones. I hope you take away some of the real feelings we have. There will be a time when you need employee loyalty and you, for sure, won't have it.

Lack-of-Empathy alert! (or Higher-ups' Checker-Outer alert - So transparent

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The fact that there were "1,824" e-mails shows Management's inadequacy with regard to getting the correct info to us...I myself don't have time to read them all so I usually scan them quickly and delete them. Why read something that's going to be revised within a few days anyway? I agree with the discouraged poster's comments totally so don't preach...it just makes her/him feel worse.

maybe not a surprise to you, but... - MLS

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Not all of us were as fortunate as you to have received one of the 1824 emails that you say were sent out. Perhaps those of you who did get it - whether in management or not - "forgot" to share that with those of us whose pay it actually affects. As is the norm for this company, communication is severely lacking and inconsistent.

Happened here too. - sm

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I guess I didn't understand how it was all working when they converted over to the longer period of time to contest Fiesa. My TSM checked into it and explained it to me. Still don't like it, but at least I know what happened now.

Ugh, I hate this pay thing, getting dinged - combined with OOW

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Means a very unlovely pay check. Nuance is a terrible wage-thieving employer.

I wish those higher uppers who, it seems, made it their goal to rip off our pay would try to do our job for just one hour. I wish their mother had our job, I wish their daughter had our job, their son. Anyone to set them straight.

The main thing Nuance does not have is respect for the work we do and respect for us.

When all the pay cuts started happening, I thought to myself, no, they can't be dropping us down that low, why don't they just keep the average salary about $12-15 - still a cut from before, but at least you could pay your bills, hold your head up, feel like this was a profession.

Nope, lesson learned is what they can take they will, and take and take and take, just simply because they can. I wish they couldn't.

Been taking for the 5 years I have monitored MTStars. - Probably longer.

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Only thing that ever changes are the MTs passing through.

Technically, we are not even being paid based - on production anymore

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I usually always get 100% QA (just lucky I guess) and less than 10% QC so they can't get me there, BUT, when my production was down to like 83-89 CLPH I got 0.08 and now that it is going up, first 91, then 95, now 97 CLPH, I am still paid 0.08.

The grid is total B$ as far as being paid for production. My paychecks would be a tiny bit bigger if they really compensated for true production. Definitely going to check this one out with the labor board in my state, just does not seem fair.

That's why the monthly meetings have stopped - at least on my account

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There are too many savy MTs who will question the meeting leaders on the legalities of the compensation plan (and so many other issues). Easier to just avoid the backlash, I guess.

Oops-make that 'savvy' in my previous post... - above

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Don't let them know I'm not perfect though! ;-)

Yes we are paid on production - DJ

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You say your line average is going up, but it is not up enough to make a rate change. You have to get over 100 CLPH to see a difference. I am averaging 147-150 CLPH, maybe just dumb luck, but I am, and I am also meeting the other criteria and making between 11 and 11.3 cpl. Sure can't complain about that. I am making MUCH more under this new plan.

I am, too - sm

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At first my line count went way down as I was trying to be oh so very careful about anything that QA might strike down, but as I've become more comfortable with how things work now, my line count has come back up. I still feel that the grid makes our work lives more stressed because of feeling the need to keep up with what's happening in FIESA, but overall I'm not displeased with my pay.
Thanks to "I am, too" - DJ
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Couldn't wait to see all the harpies attack me for saying I was making more, much more. I'm sure it's coming. Glad to hear you are having the same experience. I was told by a "higher up" that those that have really low line counts tend to have poor QA and those that have really high line counts tend to have poor QA, so staying somewhere in the middle is the best bet. I try to be careful, but not so careful that my line count goes in the toilet. I have always been consistent with my line count, QA and pending of blanks, so unless I have a real blooper I can pretty much count on my paycheck to be in a certain range. What newbies on this board need to keep in mind is, there are never more than about 250 people online and of those, maybe 50 are Nuance employees. The other 3,000 of us Nuance employees are busting our butts, checking FIESA --yes --you can learn from FIESA, and just in general trying to do our best. It is for us that this program was designed to reward. And NO -- I am not a Nuance suit.
fiesa a program designed to reward??? yep - you are begging for the harpies
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you might not be a suit but you're dying to wear one.

production pay is and always has been piecemeal - until the invention of The Grid

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Ergo, we are NOT being paid for everything we produce, regardless of whether some of you are happy about your pay or not. My pay too had been high on the grid, at its onset, and I was over my head happy about it, but then went into a slump. Now I realize it is not true production pay at all, unless it fits nicely into their stupid grid. When you hit a "slump" you will see.

Please do not preach the highlights of The Grid, we are all aware.
so trying to understand the grid - wheresmymoney
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I've been offered a job but I don't want anymore BS. so what is this grid thing? like do you get lines taken away? and what is the CPHL or I might have the letters wrong, what is that? all I know is CPL characters per line, not familiar with that one. I do find it funny that the longer I am in this, the more stupid acronyms they think of. so ridiculous.

Wrong - sm

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younhave to do more than 100 CLPH to go up.

You're paid PER LINE, whether that rate ever changes. But if you can't see that because you don't want to, there's not much hope for you.

If you are exceeding the QA and QC goals, I'd focus my time and energy getting the line count up.

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