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New TRA/TAA approval for Medquist/Mmodal - see msg

Posted: Jun 12, 2012


so what does this mean for us - clueless

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dont understand

It means we can be eligible for government-paid tuition - dnr

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for new career training because a large amount of work is sent overseas and thus many people have NJA, i.e. displaced from our jobs because of MM/MQ overseas outsourcing. This had previously expired, but I see it was refiled and approved again. Certain specifications for each person to be met, but certainly worth money for tuition. One thing about the money for tuition, do not pay for or start a new program or you will not be eligible. That happened to me. Unfortunately, I have not been able to start that new career because new health issues came up causing me to no longer do that job. :(

how would you go about that? - slave wages

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I can't really get any pages to open when I try to research this. Their website isn't very helpful. How would I go about getting the money?

the key word is eligible - no one has been able to claim this yet

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As far as I know the stipulation is that we have to be laid off in order to receive this TAA. Medquist/Mmodal will always claim they have work (it may be the bottom dregs of accounts/dictators and worst hours)and therefore no one has been displaced. Sorry, but this program to me feels like the Medquist settlement paid to AHDI- Medquist paid the money out on our behalf after underpaying employees and we got nothing in return. This government money is supposedly ours too but between Mmodal and our government they will keep us from claiming it.

I would love to hear how somehow actually got money from this program because of all the posting on this board for the last 2 years I don't remember anyone actually getting any money or schooling paid for.
nope, was told had to be laid off or have - paperwork of impending layoff
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Filed anyway and then the true run around began. First you have to apply for unemployment, then you get a letter from unemployment telling you all about the TAA stuff, so you apply and it is like a nightmare on a road to nowhere.
Yes, you can get this money - Student
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I was laid off last August. I didn't know about this money until unemployment contacted me and told me I was eligible. It is administered through unemployment. I am currently in school getting a health informatics degree and this program pays all tuition plus continues unemployment benefits the entire time you are in school. It only pays for 2 years so you must be in a 2-year program of some type. You can't quit a job and get this - you must be laid off and be eligible for unemployment to get it.

Gee, do you think they will pay part -- sm - FLMT

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of the $343,000 in student loans I have acquired to get through medical school? I was employed by the "Q" the entire time I was in school.

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