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Why does QA take lines away from you if... - alias

Posted: Jan 08, 2012

you send in a report with a blank?  or even if they think you made an error like with comma placement?  They end up taking three lines away if you leave a blank for a doctor's name that you could not understand or verify!  do all places do this, or just some?  I don't think it is ethical, myself.  but just asking. 

alias - sm

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Is this legal? I just can't imagine working for a company that would "take away" lines for a blank. IMHO, this is ludicrous. At the company I work, we are encouraged to send in blanks for ANYTHING that needs clarification, including doctors' names, incorrect medication dosages, and the list goes on. This makes absolutely no sense to me and I feel for you.

thank you! I think so too! - alias

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I have been with this company for a little over a month. Never was anything ever explained to me about QA policy removing lines for any thing incorrect. I noticed it only over the past two days. I had started out with 813 lines for the day and now upon checking editor comments, my line count is down to 808, so far, and they have not finished checking that day's work as of yet. This same thing transpired with the company before this that I had worked for briefly, as well. I was beginning to wonder if this is the norm and if so, I want no part of it! I intend to contact them tomorrow and ask why this is happening, and if this is their "policy", as much as I need the extra work, I will be moving on! I work too hard to have lines removed for any "perceived" errors or for not being able to understand or verify a referring physician's name, especially after only being with a new company for a little over a month. thank you for your support. I wish more had answered though, so that I could feel I was not wrong in my thinking.

QA and lines - JW

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alias: You are very observant and thanks for bringing this out. We work very hard for these companies and we have to trust them to count our lines. I am currently not working for a company but this is just one more thing I need to be aware of. The best job I have ever had has dried up. I counted my own lines and use an FTP site to get my work and send it. These doctors don't like using the companies and I wish more of them would do this. The pay is much better and felt like I was paid what my skills are worth.
You dont have to trust MTSO to count lines. Learn how you are - paid and check on your own. nm
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Online platform automatically counts line,,, sm - alias
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We have no control over how the lines are counted or what is "docked" through QA. We have no choice in the matter.
You need to find out how you are paid, what you are - paid for. Then C&P body of report SM
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into a Word document and you can figure line counts that way. If you have no way to access past due jobs to see what was paid for that job, your right and responsibility to ask how that job was scored. There is no excuse for not double checking line counts, except laziness.
Easier still, get a free line count program and run a few jobs - thru that, then compare to MTSO count. nm
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I don't think you understand what is being discussed....sm - alias
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I performed work. The work was sent in to QA. Their system performs a line count on the work....THE LINE COUNT WAS ACCURATE WITH MY RECORDS...QA then audited the files and "docked" one line per file, reducing the line count by one line per file transcribed on any given day. There was no discrepancy between the original line count sent in, counted by their system, and my own determined line count. The subject of the original posting was that I did not feel it was ethical for any company to "dock" lines from work sent to QA.
It sounded to me like you were saying platform counted line - & you had to rely on that to be right. SM
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I just meant nobody has to blindly rely on platform count. They should double check counts for themselves. Sorry if I misunderstood.
that's okay. no biggie. I probably stated it wrong anyway. - alias
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I'm sorry too. it has been a rough day for me in ways I can't explain right now. :0( Hope yours is better.

I have never been docked lines - for blanks

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I have never worked for a large MTSO - individual clients and now subcontract for a small company.

The individual clients I could just call and ask what a name or word was, so there was never a blank in the end product.

This small company I work with now, if I leave a blank, the owner (there is no "official QA") will listen to the flagged spot to see if she can fill in the blank, and if not, she will call the client or flag it for them to either edit/correct themselves or she will do it.

Any of the ways, though, she does not dock anything for the blank. We might miss those few words/letters as characters in the total count, but we are not penalized in any way for them.

certainly unethical, maybe even illegal - nm

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UPDATE: As it turns out... - alias

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It appears that I was "docked" one line per report. I must also mention that I am still on total QA audit and everything I do is automatically sent to QA, so I guess it is a feeding ground for getting "their" lines in. It is supposed to be "verbatim" and I am not supposed to add or subtract anything, but type what the doctor says. However, when I type "verbatim" the QA auditors say, "grammar usage--change to...." and add or subtract words. On top of that, the grammar checking part of my Word program is disabled by their software and I no longer am able to check my own grammar using Word. I have complained about this, but they only checked the spell checking part of Word and not the grammar checking part. I feel so "defeated." Most of my so-called "errors" are for grammar or comma placement, which to me, is all subjective and depends on who is auditing. There are no set guidelines except in the auditors head. I am frustrated.

Been there and done that! I would NOT stay with a company like that anymore - Ridunculous

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If the comma placement changes the meaning of the sentence, then an error should be assessed. However, very few times does the placement or non-placement of punctuation affect the meaning of the sentence. This is just a way for companies to control their MTs. It is nothing but nitpicking! I won't work for a company like that, and I am to the point that I'm really going to get out of this field!! Don't feel defeated, just try and find something else.

This sounds like a very shady practice to me, and I would avoid any company that does this. - Just sayin....nm

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Goodness, sounds like you work for - Sickofit

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On-Time. They have new QA's and it's now a horrible company. It's bad enough they pay once a month but now they've taken away all headers, no pay for them, and the biggest accounts are suddenly complaining and yet they never did before.

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