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Timecard Approval - NJA

Posted: Aug 17, 2010

So, what happens if your CCM can't figure out how to do the edits on your timecard because you work graveyard, won't answer your phone calls or emails about the error and you can't approve your timecard?

I would open a ticket through QCare! - also,

[ In Reply To ..]
I would put notes on each entry of the timecard with an alert so that if and when someone gets on there to fix it, they know what you need done.

Then, I would send out an E-mail to the CCMs supervisor and request a response due to your own CCM not responding.

Alerts - NJA

[ In Reply To ..]
Every time there is an edit that needs to be made, I put detailed information into my timecare listing the date it is for and exactly what times with an explanation. Doesn't seem to help.

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