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Taking PTO equals punishment. - sm

Posted: Apr 14, 2014

Isn't it enough that they strip our pay down to near minimum wage? Using even 1 or 2 hours of PTO in a week will cause one's weekly incentive to fall. Can't they give us even one little break, like make the weekly incentive a daily incentive like in the olden days? Come on, CEOs, please give us a little crumb here. We're falling fast. I personally am down about $25K per year. How can that be? I'm a good worker, or I should say I used to be a good worker until FIESA came into play. All this while increasing our off-clock job duties and giving us more responsibilities than ever with decisions to make regarding dictation. I never thought it would be possible to use and exploit an intelligent brain for so little money.

Same problem for - us part-timers

[ In Reply To ..]
The weekly requirement is not prorated at all for the fewer hours worked each week. How that can be considered fair I do not know.

Good point! - They are not fair.

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The big wigs just care about their bottom line (the green one) and the people below them just want to keep their 6-figure salaries, so they don't care about the toes they step on. Karma will get them in the end.

PTO penalty - TJ

[ In Reply To ..]
I personally feel the whole thing with the PTO is to discourage us from taking time off. I just took 2 days off the other day, and I am going to take 3 days in May. I need that time to just handle what they are expecting of us. Everyone is entitled to time off without that kind of hassle. It is just unfortunate that people who are actually working, and not living off the government, are penalized for being good workers. No wonder people are leaving.

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