Why are we taking this? - winston
Posted: Jun 18, 2012
What the heck is going on here? We're being bought out and paid less than the people cleaning the toilets at the "corportate" offices of the big-three companies. We're scraping by to make one-third of what we used to make. Why? Do you actually believe these companies are charging the hospitals less? We're the only ones getting paid less, and less, and less. The hospitals are getting crappy reports, something they're told can't be helped; there's no other alternative (yeah, because we all work for them and they "own" the market). VR is an insult to the medical field, it doesn't work on our IPhones and it doesn't work in our cars, and yet these corporations are successfully selling it to hospitals nationwide, while we sit back and let it happen. When I left the security of the hourly wage at a hospital to become in independent contractor 20 years ago, the starting rate for a transcriptionist with experience was over $13 and hour. Now it's less than minimum wage, and nowhere, NOWHERE have I see anything on the news about an entire block of our economy being destroyed. What if the hospitals all got together and decided that RNs would only get $8 an hour??? Those good people would be raising hell... everywhere! Look, we cannot wait for this to "go away" anytime soon. We have to fight back. VR and ridiculuous "wages" (you can't really call them that when the guy chucking the paper on the porch makes more than you) are becoming the norm. We are professional people! We're educated. Some of us actually had to do two years of college to lean how to do this job. To take our wages from $70K a year to less than $20K a year so that a board of directors can pay bonuses to the executive branch of a company... the money is there, folks, it's just in someone else's pocket. We have to collectively declare war on VR, get together and form small companies and systematically take our jobs back. We should resolve to never, ever sell to one of the big three. And we wonder why our national economy is in the toilet... The money we used to infuse into our local economies is being infused into these NASDAQ companies. There is a market out there for clear, concise reporting, the kind that can ONLY be done by us, not a machine, not by a typing pool in India. If these major companies can sell VR to a hospital, why can't we sell ourselves? And yet we sit here, and bitch, and moan, and complain, and work twice as hard for 1/3 of the money we used to make.
why are we taking this - mt
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yadda, yadda, yadda.
You quit first and let me know how you make out. Because to think you can do anything else is ludicrous. There are no educational parameters, no uniform pay rates, not even uniform units of measure half the time. Anyone who wants to can call themselves an MT. An RN can't do that.
For YEARS, it's been said that we need educational minimums to at the very least be taken seriously. Too many hoity-toity MTs decided they were above the CMT and they didn't need AHDI. But the reality is? Yeah, they weren't and we did. The horse has now left the barn.
So your options become leave or learn to make it work for you. I'm still trying to do the second (and am having a modicum of success doing that). Perhaps you can to the leaving and let us know how green the grass is on the other side.
the proof is in the pudding - winston
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The grass is green, very green! Look, the quality of work coming back from these companies is not the same as the quality of work a homegrown local group can provide individual hospitals. The problem isn't that we need an "association" to protect us, to go out and get us a good wage, to force hospitals to pay what we're worth... Hospitals ARE paying good money for transcription, we're just getting royally screwed by the middle man. I'm not working for one of the big 3, and won't. These companies are like Walmart - they move into communities and shut down the smaller companies with promises of a better way to do it for the hospitals. By the time the hospitals figure out they've been duped, they have no recourse, no avenue of correction, because nobody else is sitting on their doorstep selling anything better. See, we're too busy working morning, noon, and night to eake out a modest living. We haven't the time to compete with these companies... That is a story as old as capitalism. Suppy and demand. The time is now, the industry is ripe for the picking. I have many irons in the fire, and my success will be small compared to the big-3, but I am not doing this to become one of them... that's what started this debacle.
I agree. The middleman is a crook and needs to get - his hiney kicked to the curb. nm
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Try BEING the middleman - then let me know how you feel
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It's not as easy as some of you seem to think it is.
middleman - winston
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The "crooks" we're talking about are not the smaller, honest companies that pay their transcriptionists a dignified, professional wage. I'm speaking directly to the NASDAQ middlemen (and we all know who they are), who are raping and piliging middle-America in the name of corporate greed. I know as a business owner, it's not easy managing and keeping people happy. I'll give you kudos if you're one of the honest and ethical ones. If you are, please don't ever sell your company to one of those "other" companies and you will be fighting the good fight for the rest of us!
can't feel sorry for the middleman - sm
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One of the biggest problems in healthcare today is the middleman that comes along and finds a way to opportunistically coopt a portion of the healthcare dollar. It just adds to healthcare expenses and benefits no one but the middleman.
Not all MTs can land their own clients... - just me
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or cover expenses for call-in dictation let alone transcribe entire hospital accounts or large facilities on their own. I agree the nationals are greedy, but the smaller companies.... I pay my MT more than I make, and she has none of the expenses of a dictation system, phone lines, account setups, dealing with clients, transmitting reports and copies, editing behind, etc. Us smaller companies do not get paid anywhere near the nationals most times....just barely above what nationals are paying. Unfortunately, without a middleman, a lot of MTs would not have jobs.
Wouldn't do it. My conscience wouldn't let me. - Its all just a sleazy racket, now.
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No, it is not all just a sleazy racket - Old Pro
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It is unfair and cruel of you to paint us all with the same brush. It also shows your naivete and lack of business acumen. I will agree that many, indeed, most nationals leave much to be desired, but perhaps if you walked in a smaller MTSO's shoes for one day and saw what he or she did for MTs and wanna-be MTs, you would not be so swift to condemn and pontificate about how bad we all are. Please give it a rest.
Well said. - Something to think about
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Actually, you've got a good point or two there. It's something to think about.
You believe AHDI works for MTs? Wanna buy the - Golden Gate bridge? I"ll give you a deal.
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Oh, yeah, the AHDI looks out after MTs - Old Pro
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And George Clooney is taking me out to the Hollywood Bowl Saturday night--NOT!
why? - curious
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So, what are you going to do about it. What are your suggestions? Seems to me cleaning toilets (like that beneath you?) is an honorable way to earn a living and it is hard work. A lot harder than sitting on your butt typing. I hear lots of whining but no solutions offered, no grassroots uprising, how come? Reminds me of politicians - getting everyone all stirred up on how they will balance the budget, how they will reform healthcare, etc, etc - yet, have you heard even one say how? How do you plan to do that?
easy/difficult - winston
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Never said cleaning toilets was beneath me, just that people who did it got paid better than we did. That being said, of course it can be done! It absolutely requres us to stop sitting around waiting for work, get up off our collective butts and start something! First, get a name for your company. Stay away from smarmy names, cute names, super-hero names... take your company seriously and others will, as well. Get a website, if for any reason other than the e-mail address. Don't have to be fancypants about it, either. Create a business proposal for your company. Go out on the www and find some examples. It amounts to selling yourself on paper. Focus on what you can do that the big-3 cannot... accuracy, professionalism, cost, the importance of precise documentation in the EMR, your location - i.e., being local provides a hands-on approach to providing a product that a 1-800 company can't, use your head! Tell the story of your company! Explain your experience. After you get the proposal together, write a cover letter to your local hospital HIM Director (50-100 mile radius), clinic directors, etc. then you have to beat on doors, sit patiently awaiting your turn to sell yourself, and present your proposal. Expect a lot of NOs. No problem. Keep moving. All you need is ONE contract. Doesn't matter how many people you need to get the job done. You get a contract with the hospital first, and then find the people. Subcontract your contract. There are plenty waiting for decent pay for a honest day's work. The most important thing is to not promise anything you cannot deliver. This is basic business, folks. There is an opening. VR and the big-3 are leaving a lot to be desired out there. All you have to do is get your foundation and then go reap the benefits of your hard work, your education, your honesty and your determination to put the bucks these companies are taking from our local economies back where it belongs. Everyone is so busy sitting around waiting for someone to do it for them... that's how we got to this place in time. We are very talented, educated, dedicated, and, most of all, necessary, in this EMR world. Documentation, and the clarity of that documentation, is more important now than it ever was in the past. Those of you that can sell that on a local level should do it, then you can hire all the "I just want to sit here and transcribe" people to do the work for you. It's win-win. Remember, the hospitals are paying for transcription, and the cost of transcription hasn't gone down in the past few years, just what the companies are paying the transcriptionists,so you can get a contract and have enough to pay people very decently, decently enough to keep your turnover next to nothing, and you can really pick out the cream of the crop in experience. overhead is LOW. You don't have to make a million bucks your first year, and you won't, but you will make a much more decent living than you are now, and you will be helping your local economies by bringing transcriptionist pay back from the Walmart and white bread place we seem to have allowed it to get.
have at it - bystander
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Let us know how that plan works for you.
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