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26 meds equals 25 commas to add - Wonder why my count is low- no

Posted: May 10, 2013

Yet, they refuse to get why ASR can take longer than straight typing.

yup, or when you have to change them to semicolons - what a nightmare nm

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listing medications in eBTXT - BZB

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Or if you have to list them numerically, it's about 3 keystrokes for each one, the return, and the first letter after the number will not be capitalized, delete the lower case . . .

oh, but they'll say, that's - just formatting!

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a low level clerk could do it right?

Good point - BZB

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Good point; low level clerk could do it, that's why it's gotten so boring, yet they need the MT to know it will be the right medication!

I thought they said ASR was learning.. - me

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As often as it has to type Lexiscan, today I keep getting Lexus scan. Good grief. Cars are going to the hospital for checkups now???

Or when dictator says - next or next line

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or the word number and it numbers every line or paragraph and has to be un-formatted. *blech*

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