A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Okay, taking a little poll - See Message

Posted: Dec 05, 2012

Some have been trying for over 7 years to change things and things haven't changed. Okay.  Those of you who are quite certain you want to try to change things, how long have you been doing it?  And how much longer are you going to do it? I guess we who have been speaking up for 7 years have been doing it all wrong?

im with you... but didnt try too hard I guess - few surveys

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I guess I didnt really try too hard to change things. I did do a couple surveys, but I didnt answer the way my real self would have, I took the neutral nellie approach becuase I feel like they would target me if I were honest.

Also, those surveys dont have a spot to actually say what you feel. Its just multiple choice, so how could I explain, tactfully of course, that if they really cared about their company and their image, that could not possibly treat the workers with such little respect.

Besides, how could I tell them honestly that I think the amout of money they spend on surveys, boost initiatives, keystroke tracking, the multiple layers of suits, and first time right programs, etc., could profit them so much more had they invested in the MTs? They dont want to hear our logic, they just want to line their pockets.

So in essence, I want change, but due to the helplessness of it all, I have not done anything to "change" the unchangeable.

That was my point - Trying to change the unchangeable

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I guess I am trying to set the point that people are delusional if they think they can change this. If seven years of kicking and screaming by MTs hasn't done it, I'm not sure what will. However, if you are one of those who has not kicked and screamed yet, and you think it might actually do something, I think you should go for it.

I for one am out of this biz. Enough.....

Been there with you - Over 10 years

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All I got for speaking up and voicing my concerns was a target on my back, constant audits, conference calls with VPs telling me that I am out of line and my email tone is inappropriate.

No, we didn't do it wrong at all. The company does not want to be changed, they only want sheeple. We have had 2 lawsuits since I have been here regarding Medquist frauding the employees on their line counts and although we won we never saw a dime. AHDI was in cahoots with Medquist to steal our money and look the other way while Medquist not only frauded their employees, but also clients. Look up Kaiser in California. It was also specified that Medquist or Mmodal would specifically define what a line is and exactly what they pay for but the policy reads like a lawyer novel and no one knows exactly. In fact, I had a VP call me up to see if I still had my original hire paperwork that defined what a line is. There was an awkward silence when they realized that I still did. They want old timers like me gone because we know too many dirty secrets. Soon they will have their wish. One more year and I will be done with school and I plan on moving on to bigger and better things.

The "newer" people weren't here - back then- see msg

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The people who are just coming in, in the past few years, just don't understand that we've been there, done that, and it does nothing. In fact, things got worse.

Some of us have been here 15-20 years, folks, and have seen more horrible changes over time than you can ever imagine, and for you to think we just don't want to "speak up" is an irresponsible assumption. We fought. We hoped. We hung on. We're done.

We long-timers are the ones who watched the demise of the industry, bit by bit, step by step. You all came in when it was already pretty much sliding down the tubes. We tried for us and for you (the future MTs at the time).

I think you all can try for you and any other future MTs if you'd like, but don't assume we just sat back and watched it all happen without a fight. You fight with all you've got, if that's your desire. I won't stop you.

Years and years ago, the only things that went to India and/or that were on ASR were the "easy" clinic doctors. The ASR was easy enough to edit on those dictators who were deemed "ASR-able," so those editing it didn't have too bad a time of it. Yes, they actually used to decide if a dictator was a good ASR candidate. And, in particular, acute care people still had plenty of straight transcription, because they actually didn't put mass quantities of acute care dictators on ASR and didn't send that work to India. But that has all changed. I'm going back to, gosh, 2004-2005? It all went to heck from there, little by little. It has reached a bottom. Not sure how much worse it can get.

This is NOT doom and gloom taking over my brain. This is fact. Do you think I would have been here 15 YEARS (yes) if I didn't at least have a little bit of hope that it would change? Anyway, I am leaving the industry. I am just giving you food for thought and trying to help you.

Also, the newer people - MTMM

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will not remember that we actually had to pay MQ to use their inferior computers/equipment. I guess they had to stop that practice when they cut our pay so low nobody could afford to pay them.
If you were employee, though... - they supplied it. No more.
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We still had to pay out of our checks, - $25 per check
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As a rental fee...
What I Meant Was - If you were employee status, see msg
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They did not charge you that rental fee.

I think the problem is bigger than just the MT industry - the problem is our entire country has - sm

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sold out to greed and shortsightedness. A few pigs at the top are basically wiping out an entire class of American citizens, not bothering to think about what it will do to this country in the long-term, just so they can line their already-overstuffed pockets today, and screw tomorrow. They think that'll be OUR problem, not THEIRS.

I've been job-hunting everywhere BUT MT lately, and all that's out there, unless you're some level III, muckty-much manager, is ON-CALL, PER-DIEM, NO BENEFITS.

I would like to propose that all elected officials work on-call, per-diem, no benefits, as well! And why not? They can afford it. Nowadays you can't even afford to run for office unless you're already a millionaire.

I think before we can do much about changing MT, or any other industry for that matter, the middle class is going to have to dig their heels in, and start playing dirty (just like the government and Big Business does), and fight back. The middle class is also going to have to get over its squeamishness about temporarily making things worse, in order to make them better in the long run.
PS: (LOL!) How 'bout we pay elected officials on production, - like us? Theyd make even less than we do!
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But hey - maybe some of them would actually start showing up for work, and getting a few things done, for a CHANGE!

We haven't been speaking up enough, or in large enough - numbers, or to the right people. (sm)

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And when we say we want something (a living wage, decent benefits), we have to have an "or else..." ultimatim attached to it that will bite them - HARD.

We will likely have to be even more backed into a corner than we already are - to the point of having absolutely nothing left to lose, I guess. (I'm pretty much there already.) And then we have to fight them as if our lives depended upon it, because... guess what? They DO.

I could not agree more, but people are scared - to speak thier mind

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Too many people are afraid to ruffle feathers. Too many people are content to just sit around bitching on this board instead of doing something about it.

I'm not a great leader, or I'd try to get something started myself. But I am a damn good follower and if someone has a good plan for what we can do, I'll be right by their side helping any way I can.

It just seems too many have given up hope to be able to make a change.

We have spoke up. We have tried everything. - Maverick

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The time to stop it was when CBAY bought us out. We needed to form a Union during that time to stop it from happening. We wrote to our Senators, Congressmen, CNN, MSNBC, Foxnews, etc. We even wrote to editors of newspapers, and anchors/reporters such as Sean Hannity, Anderson Cooper, etc.

MTs here made their decision. It seemed most did not want a union. It was the only way to really stop this company from another country buying us out. Some of us also knew this company would be the leader of this industry and whatever they could get away with, other companies would follow this company.

Then it was too late. The higherups got what they wanted.

Here is my point about why everyone should - take the survey

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I don't think it is about change, which we would all hope for, but to make sure the survey results are valid. If only content people take the survey, then what is the point? I believe they were fairly honest about the results last time as they saw the need to change some things and they did. They didn't just ignore everything. The changes they did make were good ones, they just need to do more. For the sake of everyone, everyone needs to complete the survey. Those of you who think you know it all "because you've been through it all before" become part of the problem when you don't take the opportunity to let your opinion known when it is asked for. I've lived through the downfall of this industry in the past 10 years, and I intend to give my feedback any chance I get.

Certainly not pro MModal but I agree somewhat with your - post. Benefits for instance. Those

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were a MAJOR change for the better. If anyone has checked out health insurance rates with any other companies, you'll know that they did listen on last survey about this. I have to say that MModal currently has the best and most reasonably priced health insurance/benefit package available right now.

It would be funny if everyone took the survey and totally - FLAMED M*M, then we could - s/m

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sit back and get a few good belly-laughs when the fake "results" were posted about how great everyone thinks M*Modal is! hahahahahaha!

They didn''t give any "fake" results last time, so - why would they this time?

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Why not give Vern a chance. I think he has been pretty honest and I think he is trying. I think he has a long way to go in trying to understand our challenges, but why not give him a break and wait and see what he does before completely making him out as the bad guy. So far he has made improvements, why not see where we go from here before predicting what you think is going to happen.
Improvements? I have not had enough work to - complete my PT shift in 4 weeks!
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How the heck is that an improvement?
and you need to make that clear on the survey - nm
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They dont leave an area to state your opinion - they ask the questions that cant be
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used against them or shed them in a bad light. Have ya looked at the questions?
Have you? - did not think it was available yet nm
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Last time they did - see message
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If I'm remembering correctly, last survey at the end you could say what you wanted to say; I remember this because I kind of remember what I said.
Never saw a spot like that.. It was like 6 questions - that were useless.
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Will see what the new one is like.

see your point, however, the questions are not - even appropriate...

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They dont ask real questions that pertain to US.

We haven't seen this round of questions yet, unless you - take the survey you will never know. NM

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I tried at one point - sm

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To rally a bunch of us together to fight this off shore BS..and got about 10 or so people to join in,,,not enough I need that many in each state..But if anyone has ideas, Im more then willing to try again..My firm belief is that the information that is sent overseas is a homeland security violation...

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