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I see that more than 150 people have looked at my post, but no recommendations - Suzie

Posted: Apr 24, 2015

Dear Friends: 

I see that more than 150 people looked at my message, but no recommendations as of yet. I hate be a bother, but can I get some recommendations for headphones for people who use hearing aids.  Thanks so much. 



Headphones - Hearing

[ In Reply To ..]
This is a new one on me. Didn't even know about headphones with hearing aids. Maybe call one of the on-line companies and talk to them; mine was in Chicago where I got my headphones - I may need the same thing; have had a plugged ear for two months now and can't hear good half the time. I see Bose makes them and they are probably really expensive.

Maybe none of the 150 - xx

[ In Reply To ..]
people who looked at your post use hearing aids or have any information that would help you.

The mere posting of a question does not automatically entitle one to a response.

Google "headphones with hearing aid compatibility" - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I googled that and learned a lot about hearing aid compatible headsets.

I don't wear a hearing aid, so I have no personal experience with this. I have known MTs who used only one side of a headset, though, and I have done this on occasion myself. It needs to be a mono headset, not a stereo, like the original Lanier and Dictaphone. You do not actually need a stereo headset...the mono are fine.

I would ask your audiologist what you should do. They know, I am sure.

Sorry that I can't be more help, but I know little else about this.

I recently researched headsets, but ... - Linda

[ In Reply To ..]
I bought the type that go in your ear. You probably need the ones that go over the ear like headphones, but lightweight. I remember seeing a couple like this. Amazon caries a lot of headsets and have reviews on most of them. You might try there. I also Googled "Transcription headset reviews" and found that helpful. Good luck.

hearing aids - wendy

[ In Reply To ..]
I would recommend the BOSE over the ear head phones. One of the ladies that worked with me had hearing aids and because the cupped around her entire ear, she was able to hear quite very well with her hearing aids and no discomfort.

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