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Nuance taking over and I was forced to change my schedule - fedup

Posted: Sep 22, 2012

So, I used to work Monday through Friday, which is what I was hired for.  Fast forward to Nuance taking over and I was forced to change my schedule to include a weekend day, and this is the 4th weekend in a row, there is no work. Makes sense, huh?

Dislike - fedup

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To the person who dislikes this, are you spending your Saturday sitting waiting for work? Were you forced to change your schedule to something other than what you were originally hired for? Some people never cease to amaze me.

Im not the person who disliked you, but I think you - will find it common that

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in the healthcare field most all schedules are either Tues-Sat, Sun-Thurs or every other weekend.

The healthcare industry operates 24/7, 365 days a year, holidays and weekends included.

As far as waiting for work, I dont agree with that. If they have you scheduled to work then they should make sure you have work to do.

PS, I dont work for Nuance just browsing the boards.

The account I am on never runs out. s/m - nuancemt

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They beg every weekend for help. It rhymes with "butter" and its huge. See if you can switch or add this account.

That's because that is an onshore-only account - x

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Weekends - mt20years

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Fast forward a little more, and you will be mad enough to quit. It happens to me ALL the time and I do work for N. This job could not be worse.

No, it doesn't make any sense. They think we don't have a life. I will not be chained to my computer. When I run out of work, that is my cue to take the rest of the day off.

More changes to come. I am sooo sorry because I know exactly how you feel.

Weekends - fedup

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What really is infuriating about the whole thing is there is always work on Friday, OT usually and that is when you are "permitted" to make up time. Why not leave me scheduled to work Friday when there is an obvious need, rather than sitting here with no work on Saturday?

Start tracking - your time with no work-sm

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Keep track of your time you are not working and collect unemployment. All should do that. Let their unemployement fee they have to pay to the government go up because they cannot keep their workers on the clock due to lack of work.

I run out of work on Thur night and forced to make up on Fri, one - of my days off. nn/nm

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