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Forced to downsize--into the backseat of my car? - No high speed internet in my car

Posted: Jul 02, 2013

Anybody else facing homelessness thanks to Nuance? 

This is a serious inquiry, no snark.

I'd like to network with others about what it might be like to be homeless because of your employment in this company.



My story - nn

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The company that I was an IC for lost the contract to another service, due to employees not working when they said they would. I went to work for Nuance, and because of a disability, I had a very hard time making the required line counts on VR. As a result, I was evicted from my apartment and I mean literally, everything out in the street. Luckily, I was able to stay wtih friends, but I have not been able to get back to the point financially, where I want to be. IMHO, it's Nuance and all these other companies with their ridiculous rates of pay and VR in general. I know of several companies that refuse to allow VR to come into play and still pay pretty decently for straight typing. I will hope and pray that your situation improves and that you have a possible support systen to fall back on.

I hope you have started contacting shelters NOW - wheres_my_job

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Don't wait till it's a crisis. Go in and talk to somebody.

Contacting shelters - nn

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I too replied to this post and told the OP what had happened in my situation. Because of the economic climate being what it is, it's not just as simple as "contacting a shelter," and you have instant access. Depending on where the OP is, this person could be waiting several months to be able to get into a shelter. Believe me, I speak from the voice of experience. I contact a shelter in South Florida and it took me almost 6 months to get a response from them, even though my situation was what I felt to be an "emergency."

shelters - anon

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I don't work for Nuance, but MModal, so sorry I'm on your board, but did want to say I feel sorry for all of us with the wages we get, the effort we put out, and the fact the majority, if not all of us, have had our incomes drop by at least 50% over the last few years. Such a sad situation. What I do know about homeless shelters, my son's girlfriend being currently homeless and not an option to stay with us for a variety of reasons, is that she was able to get into a shelter right away, but she had a young child (not my son's) under 5 years of age. At least here where I live in a major Southern California city, I think the shelters "cater" to those single moms with young ones. Its a hard life though, dormitory style, having to be out of the shelter early in the morning, etc., etc. Its sad anyone is homeless; it is also sad those of us with the experience we have find ourselves in such a situation.
shelters - nn
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You're right about shelters taking those with young children or children in general before others. When I lived in the Miami area, a lot of the homeless would come into the local library and use the computers. There was one gentleman who was at 2 of the libraries that I frequented on a daily basis. He would use the computer for the alloted time period, leave and come back and actually at one time, had the audacity to ask to use my library card because he had run out of time using his card. It is very sad nowadays and I really think that things are going to get a lot worse for people in general.

I am in a similar boat. - stressed out

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I work for MM, but there are too many similarities. If it was not for a couple friends, I would be out in the street. I hope I can offer something that might help you dig out of this hell hole.

If you are suffering from days without work or days without a full shift of work, check out if you can get partial unemployment. Look up your state's labor department online.

I checked out Trade Adjustment Assistance for you and was shocked to find out the Nuance employees' petition was denied. Isn't Nuance sending work offshore? MM is, and our petition was approved. I think the fact CBay nabbed us through the backdoor, and their stated goal is to send at least 80% of the work offshore --

But, I did find information that might be helpful.


Right now I am studying for a new occupation and am looking forward to finishing school at the end of the year and can leave. I am taking the program through a community college. What I did was go online and check every occupational center and community college and picked a program

I hope you live in the city rather than rural as I know it is difficult to find resources in rural areas.

One last thought is to call a crisis center and ask where to get a social worker to help.

Good luck.

impending homelessness - a few more tips

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I am assuming you are a renter and not a homeowner. First you need to go to your landlord and tell him the situation and try to work out a payment plan with him. He may or may not go for it, if he does great, if he does not, when you get your eviction notice, make a court date, tell the judge what has happened, tell the judge you offered a payment plan, the judge may advise the landlord to accept the plan, but if you don't keep it, you will be evicted willy nilly. Secondly, you need to get busy to find some other sources of income right now. So, if you have any PTO accrued get it, apply for UIB, apply for food stamps, sell/pawn anything you can, consider a roommate, go to temp agencies and apply, borrow money if you can, do whatever you need to do to make sure you keep your rental payment agreement short of committing a crime. Long term, you must make other plans and get out of this. It is not working for you anymore, just as it is not for a lot of us. There are just too many of us chasing too few jobs.

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