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schedule change = more work - Kitty Lady

Posted: Mar 20, 2013

It has been the two weeks since the supervisor said that work flow would change with reorganization of people/accounts.  Still waiting.  Up at 4:00 a.m. and 3 jobs since 5:00 a.m.  Where is the more work promised two weeks ago??  Did not believe it then so not surprised it did not amount to anything.  Supervisior says that there is low work in the early morning hours.  I have worked this shift for years and there has always been work in the early morning before July 2012 when all this garbage started. 

I agree. There is only work on 2nd shift now - probably will have to change.

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I think with the time zone changes for Pakistan and India, and where ever else the work goes, that is the only time not covered (2nd shift).

Not in my region - I run out about 8 pm

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Aren't they about 12 hours different from us? It seems - sm

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like if things were being handled properly in both countries, we'd all have work in our daytime hours since we're 12 hours apart. Wonder if they're making them work overnight too... I wouldn't be surprised.

As far as I understand it... - they all work at the same time

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If you are online at 9:15 CT you will notice the system slow down to almost a complete halt for about 20 minutes. This is because they have all just entered the building and are all signing on. In India it is 7:45 a.m. This drives me completely bonkers everynight. It is not as noticeable if you are just in a job typing, but if you are uploading, downloading, trying to do research or anything else you might as well give up for 20 minutes.

There isn't enough work for 2nd shift either. - North

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RW's group
There's barely any work all weekend too. My days include both Saturday and Sunday too.

Ditto, North - I am in the same group

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as you & run out of work on 2nd shift. And rarely hear from TSM.

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