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anyone who was fired, quit, or forced to resign - from MQ..question..sm

Posted: Jun 17, 2011

Did you apply for unemployment, did you get it, did you have to appeal?  I have never lived off the system and figured I payed into it for my entire adult life, and have reached a point where I need financial assistance.  I was asked to resign due to being unable to work due to physical inabilty on my part and am stuck, so I applied for it.  Just looking for some good news from other MQ employees.

RE: fired, quit, resigned - abbynormal

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If you have documentation as to your disability, they can't fire you! Thats discrimination.

I have limitations, have all the paperwork from the docs and all the documentation, and I am PT. I have RA and some days its much worse than others.

I'd suggest that you talk to HR and get them your documentation ASAP!

I was fired last year because I refused to work for 2 cpl - bamagirl

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and I filed an unemployment claim with the state of Alabama. It was refused. I asked for an appeal and, with a conference call with me, the appeal judge and my CCM/HR from Medquist telling our stories, I lost the appeal because I could have worked for that amount and the company did not really "fire" me but I left of my own accord.

Unfortunately if you were forced to resign because of a physical inability on your part to work, I do believe that every state requires you to be physically able to work at all times if offered a job so you are really between a rock and hard place if you can't.

Be assured though that Medquist will fight you tooth and nail and will probably win.

re: bama - rj

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yea, there's a difference in REFUSING to work and not being physically ABLE to work. Most employers will fire anyone who REFUSES to work.

I opted to work through the 4cpl (for me) rate when I failed my audit. I worked like a donkey for about a week at that rate. I've been dotting my Is and crossingmy Ts since. Never again! That paycheck was so sad... Its amazing how much you get behind on bills for just ONE bad paycheck.

Yea, MQ has a formidable legal team. I think they are blood thirsty sharks!

re: bama - kittykat

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How long did you have to work for 4 cents a line? One month or one paycheck before you passed another audit and went back to normal. I have been making waves re MT's skipping reports, I know because there is text in the document with many blanks and it is obvious this MT does not know her stuff. Thanks.
re: kitty Kat - rj
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I was fortunate enough to have been audited the next week. So just one week of a payperiod was short. I don't know why it worked out that way, but I was very glad because I hear many get audited much less frequently. Maybe I was "under the gun" for something??

How could anyone in their right mind - employer, - Unemployment people, or MT, think 2cpl is "pay"?

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2 cpl could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be considered fair compensation for work produced (i.e., "pay"), when the hours needed per day to make enough pennies to live on do not exist in our planet's particular place and rotation in the solar system. The earth just doesn't rotate in such a way that there can ever be more than just 24 hours in any given day, and as a result, at 2 cpl, there aren't enough hours in said day (or 7 of them per week, or even 30 of them per month) to be able to scrape out a living at 2 cents per 65-character line. WITH spaces.

My little crystal ball says that in the not-too-distant future, MTSOs are all going to put themselves right out of business, because they will no longer have a skilled-enough workforce, at their lousy 2 cpl, to be able to do the work. They can send it all to India or the Philippines, or China, or Pakistan, but unless they export a whole ___load of Americans over there to edit it, they'll ultimately force the healthcare industry, as a result of a likely increase in litigation against them, to find another way to document their medical records.

can you clarify? - bentfingers

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You were asked to resign by whom? Sounds like you hung in there and told the company that you were having trouble and they asked you to resign instead of getting let go? I think a lot of us might be in your boat, so that is why I am curious. Please do not feel guilty about getting some unemployment or disability insurance. There should not be a stigma for people like us who pay into the system for a long time. It is just that, INSURANCE. Good luck, and I bet you won't have trouble collecting help. You just havent been on the other side yet.

asked to resign - OP

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My supervisor asked me to resign as I could not do the work anymore. I had developed tendinitis over the years and it was so bad I could not even touch the keys let alone make any money on production. They could not find another position for me and could not give me strictly QA work as the MME position also has straight typing. Nothing I can do here, been with MQ since mid 90s.

Resign is just a fancy name for QUIT. They want you to - Kiki1

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quit so they don't have to pay you unemployment. If I were you, I would NOT resign. I understand you can't work but I'd tell them to lay you off so you can at least collect unemployment, which you cannot do if you quit (resign, same thing). Sorry for your tendinitis problem. I hope things work out for you.
That's also illegal - they cannot ask you to resign due to inability sm - NutterButter
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to perform your job duties. Go see a doctor, get a note about needing some kind of disability waiver, and then apply for disability or retraining thru your state's voc rehab program. It is illegal to ask an employee to do what they are asking you do to; I was a mgr at another company for years and I know this to be true. Good luck.
If you quit because your hours/salary dropped - xyzzz
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significantly, you are eligible for partial unemployment. You have to show documentation, your pay stubs with hours, lines, etc., and I also used emails about NJA from my CCM, and the info from the annual report about the planned shift of work to India. I since got a PT job and can still get benefits (there are no MT/office jobs around here).
Can I ask you..... - Kiki1
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Where do you find this info about the planned shift of work to India?

Thank you in advance. I have a feeling we should all have this info readily avail for when the inevitable happens....Thanks again.

It was in the annual report for 2010, first quarter - xyzzz
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I believe, as I quit June 2010.
thank you. - nm
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unemployment - mimi

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I worked for MedQuist for 2 years back in 2007 to 2009. All of a sudden I had no work, and quit. I applied for unemployment and it went through, didn't have to have an appeal, but did have to wait a bit for them to answer the paperwork. Interestingly, I got a new job and before my benefits had expired, the new job went to speech all of a sudden and my income went down to half of what I was making. I was actually able to continue collecting unemployment while I was working until I got up to speed on the speech, on MedQuist's dime! Ha Ha! And, I just had a message on my cell phone last week from a MedQuist recruiter, did I want to come back and work? NOooooo thank you.

Workers' Compensation - Claim?

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applied for UI benefits under the TAA petition - nm

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