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Independent Contractor forced to work holidays - DB

Posted: Nov 06, 2012

As an independent contractor, can the company I am doing work legally make me work holidays?

Medical care is 24/7. If you want to keep your job... - anon

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You should show up. Healthcare is 24/7. Clients do not care if it is a holiday or not.

I cannot believe the posts I read where everybody is just willing to work 9-5 weekdays and that is it.. If the account needs coverage to staty in TAT, people need to work, or the clients will find another service that will.

If they "make you" adhere to a schedule, it's illegal. - MT

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Especially if they are demanding you do the same job/schedule as an employee in the same company. Thank goodness the DOL is starting to crack down on these MTSOs. I can't believe they think that all they have to do is call a position IC and that makes it one! Sorry, there are rules to follow. My cousin was able to get unemployment because it turns out she was misclassified, which, by the way, if pursued, means the MTSO has to pay fines, etc. She chose not to because she believed the owners actually did it from ignorance, not greed. From what a lawyer told her, if you quit (or were fired) but document that they insisted you work holidays, demanded schedule, etc., you can have them investigated for misclassification.

For example, one reference:

"The IRS has developed a list of 20 factors it uses to determine whether a worker is an employee or a subcontractor."

"Does the business set the worker's schedule and hours? Independent contractors generally set their own work schedules..."

"Does the business require the worker to follow their instructions on how work is to be performed? If yes, this indicates employee status. "

See message - anon

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Well, in that case we are all employees, even ones with their own clients. Account specifics are, in fact, instructions on how the work is to be performed. If everybody worked only when they wanted to, all work would go overseas.

Depends on how much you want to keep your account you are transcribing with and your client. I for one work all holidays but July 4th, which I instruct everybody is due to fireworks being legal in our city, and it is impossible to hear dictation, although I have had to on a few occasions when stats came up.

Also, for every IC position, there are several thousand to take your place. I do not mean to be nasty here, just stating the truth. If the account is important to you, I would be available for work. If not, tell them you are not available to work. Simple as that. What did your contract state? Does it exclude holidays? I have my July 4th writtin in.

You misunderstand... - MT

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I agree with you - especially that one of the identifying factors of an IC is that they have their own contract. Nowadays some uninformed ICs don't even submit one and it's VERY common for MTSOs to hope they do not and, as a result, not even request one.

Of course, if you have your own clients, you're restricted in time off, vacations, holidays. It's one of the reasons why I choose not to. I like having 10 paid holidays off working for a good MTSO ;). The point the OP was making is can they DEMAND you work the holiday but yet call you an IC? NO. Can they fire you for not working it? Of course. But odds are if you contest that and document their "schedule" and "demands", you are really an employee according to the IRS, they illegally misclassified you, and penalties are involved.

MT - anon

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I find this funny b/c when you read the requirements, it does state that the business cannot require you to follow their instructions on how work is to be performed, so shouldn't that mean that they cannot hire IC's? In this business, you have to perform your job a certain way.

You have to research it...it means work patterns - MT

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This is why MTs have to inform themselves. You're assuming it means something it doesn't. According to the IRS, in this context, it pertains to instructions on how to perform work in work patterns or schedules. Again, it's worth it to do the research or consult someone. MTSOs are depending on the fact that you won't. I get that in these desperate times, some MTS know this but choose to deal with it because they need a job. I understand, and I'm not talking about that. I'm addressing this to MTs who do NOT know this.

Again, how could ANYONE think that an employee or IC are the same except one gets benefits, PTO, taxes, workmen's comp, etc and one doesn't? MTSOs are offering the same pay as an employee yet calling it an IC. How does that make sense to any IC MT? Five to ten years ago, this was not seen in this business. It's only recently MTSOs started this and obviously it's working for them. I'm just saying if you do not inform yourself, you can be taken advantage of. It's already happening.

Another reference linked below. Read it and come to your own inclusions as to whether you want to explore this further. Personally, if I was an IC making 8 and 4 cpl and being forced to "stick to a schedule or be fired", I would consult someone to see what my rights are. That is all I am saying. I'm honestly not trying to argue with anyone so I'll leave this topic at that. I posted to inform the OP. So good luck to all you hard-working MTs, and don't let MTSOs assume you're too lazy to at least look into this!

One last thought: "If the business loses on the challenge, all back payroll taxes must be paid as if the worker were an employee. Additionally, a portion of taxes that should have been withheld for income and FICA from the employee's portion must now be paid by the business employer instead. Then various penalties are added in, and they can amount to over 150% of the recalculated taxes! Finally, interest is charged on the total amount due, dating back to the original liability date, not when it was challenged."

IC vs employee - schnauzermom

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"Does the business require the worker to follow their instructions on how work is to be performed?"

With all these acct spec we have to follow and the picky clients don't we all have this issue?

What can we do?

IC, employee...all still an MT. If the account needs coverage - someone has to do it. nothing new. NM

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But IC and Employee ARE classified very different in ANY field (nm) - anon

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Well, if they want to say who does what and when - then they better hire

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employees and provide the bennies that go along with it. Otherwise, as an IC I work when I want and how much I want. If they have a minimum they want me to agree to, fine, but I decide when I work, not them.

Exactly. - MT

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(I should preface that I'm not an IC and have never been one because I need insurance, but in supporting my cousin learned a LOT).

I'm surprised by some of the MT responses saying there's no difference; of course, I'm going to assume it's not MTSOs masquerading as MTs. Think about it. Why would the IRS/legalities have classifications for Employee vs Independent Contractor? If the only difference was one gets PTO, benefits, taxes witheld, etc. and one doesn't, then who would ever want to be an IC? I've been in this business long enough that even just 5 years ago you would NEVER see these MTSOs advertising for an employee and just deciding to label it IC. It's crazy and ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL. Again, think about it. If it was legal, all companies would only hire ICs; who wouldn't?

I'm no expert. Just saying that with all the things happening to our industry, this is the only one where the MT actually has a legal leg to stand on. What will it hurt to ask around, research, consult somebody? Obviously, the OP was astute enough to know that something was not right and...guess what? She is absolutely right.


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I'm not a newbie MT by any means, but since being outsourced from my wonderful in-house job to an MTSO, it's like "culture shock" out there. I, too, thought IC MTs were basically employees who simply didn't receive any benefits and had to pay their own taxes.

I sincerely appreciate "MT's" information, but I also see "anon's" point of view. If we're not there to do the work, someone else will, and decent jobs aren't readily available anymore. So, even though the client/MTSO apparently can't "require" a set schedule, if we're not there to do the work when they want AND do it the way they want, we'll be let go and someone else will come in and do it. Sure, we might have a claim with the Labor Board, but by the time something gets done, we'll be homeless and starving on the street.

I'd be nice if MT ICs were regarded like plumbers -- not because they deal with poopy all day, but because they're very necessary and vitally important and must be available 24/7/365. The plumber would happily work on Christmas, but at double the regular rate, and any extra time spent due to unusual customer demands would be billed accordingly. (long sigh) If only, right?

You got it! - MT

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Thanks for seeing the good info. I really wasn't trying to monopolize the thread, just wanted to assure the OP that they were right and back it up with why I thought so.

I absolutely do see anon's viewpoint also.

And like you, I had culture shock last year after many years with a good company that closed. I didn't even know what an IC was, what pages of client specs meant (we simply typed what the physician dictated), how stressful nit-picky QA can be (I did QA and certainly didn't "grade"), or that now ADTs are unpaid (!) and time-consuming (thought all demographics were imported as they were with my last company). Ugh, now I know. Starting as a "newbie" low on the totem pole after 20+ years experience is tough too, though I do like my company, especially hearing about some of these huge corporates whose goal is to offshore.

Six of one, half dozen of another - NO

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I used to be an IC and ran into this all the time. No, by law, they cannot. If you want a job, they can. It all boils down to what you are willing to put up with and how badly you need the job. I would print out their emails telling you that you have to work for future proof if you need it. They have you classified wrong if they tell you what to do, and this was the exact reason I worked as an IC (so I could be in charge of when I could take off).

Seriously, it is unbelievable what these MTSOs - are getting away with SM

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now. I see ads that have all the requirements that an employee would have and then they say "IC status only". They do this for one reason only and that is greed. I so wish people working for a company that only hires ICs yet they are really employees would come together and try to stop this. I know it won't happen because we are now backed into a corner but I hope one day it changes.

Yes...... - Dina

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..... but only if YOU allow yourself to work holidays......

Independent Contractor forced to work holidays - DB - rfwats

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As an IC, the company can't make you do anythign but live up to the Agreement/Contract you signed (or should have signed) to provide services/deliverbales/etc.

If you are being required to work certain days or hours as direcred by the company, there is very good chance you are misclassified employee and should be paid on W2 basis.

It's work! - oaf

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With so many of us looking for work if you decide to jump ship send me an E-mail. As an IC you are supposed to set your own schedule - but there is always someone in the wings that is more than willing to work holidays to keep a job at this point... See if you can trade with another IC at the company?

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