Just quit after 3-1/2 years - Another anon
Posted: Dec 16, 2012
I started with WebMedx 3-1/2 years ago and things were going quite well. Nuance made all their glorious changes effective in January and things have deteriorated to the point I just could not take another day. As for my complaints about them, just pick one -- it's probably on my list. To those of you who feel Nuance is the worst place you've ever worked for, I'm right there with you and that's after 35 years transcription experience. To those of you who actually like working for Nuance, you should get that checked.
No need to insult those of us who are content at Nuance - see message
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I am sorry that you've not had a good experience, but was it necessary to say "To those of you who actually like working for Nuance, you should get that checked."
Totally uncalled for.
I've been with Nuance for longer than you have, and I am staying. That's my choice. It's also your choice to leave. But to try to drag me down by insulting my choice is juvenile at best.
just quit - sufferinginsilence
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I think the OP was referring to those who were former Webmedx people who were bought out by Nuance..I am one of them..I totally agree with her. It has been a slow slide into hell since they took us over with the pay cuts. My gross pay from January 2011 from the time Nuance took over until December 2012 has dropped $5000. The minute Nuance took us over I went back to school for NOTHING that has to do with MT. I will be done in 6 months and I too will be gone...Im getting out of this abusive relationship and want to have a real vacation since I've not had one since Nuance took over 2 years ago. Why? Because everytime I accumulate enough PTO I have to use it to make up my check to keep a to roof over my head!
For those that are content with Nuance thats great, but its not working out for many of us .
I agree it is an abusive relationship and I'm ashamed of not - getting out of it yet. Congrats to you. nm
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Ha - The majority is not happy
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That why I quit back in the summer after 2-1/2 years. They suck! I hope one day they get sued!
How do you know the majority is not happy? - anon
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Nuance has problems (QA first and foremost) but I am curious how you know the majority of the thousands of employees are unhappy? Did you personally contact all of them?
People make a lot of assumptions based on the very, very few people who post on this board. Overall, this board is for the angriest of the MTs and therefore any conclusions you make are highly biased.
I am not fabulously happy at Nuance but it's okay.
"To those of you who actually like working for Nuance, you should get that checked." - That was a totally boggus statement..sm
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"To those of you who actually like working for Nuance, you should get that checked."
Did you really need to say that? What was the point in that?
My experience. sm - another former WMX
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Congrats to those getting out. It has been a horrible experience. I will be retiring soon, so sticking it out for now, but it just gets worse and worse. Had planned to stay until full retirement age as I really loved working for Webmedx, felt appreciated and compensated appropriately up until the onset of VR, and the last 1 year has been a nightmare. Fortunately, my husband has a pension from his job of almost 40 hears, but we are still living paycheck to paycheck. Since I've worked steadily since my early 20s, so early Social Security will actually be more than I am now making with Nuance. Awful. Congrats to those who are happy here. None of my relatives or friends can comprehend the treatment we are receiving, including the lack of paid holidays. I will soon have all my holidays off.
holidays off - AJ
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I just wanted to say I hope you enjoy those holidays off to no end! You deserve it. So many of us have had no time off in years and most of us no paid time off. It is pathetic really.
I hope you have a great time and wish you all the best. :-)
Agreed, those of us that have had better treatment are struggling with the abuse. - sm
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Going from being part of a small company where you felt appreciated to being bought by a huge company that turned us into numbers, but at least didn't cut my pay, was hard enough. Now going to Nuance where they cut may pay and can't give me any work (I've been sitting here most of the day without any today), is disgusting. Good luck to anyone who is happy with Nuance. I'm getting out as soon as I can find something else, and this coming from someone who was not a job hopper and has been sticking it out with the same company (through 3 buyouts now) for over 10 years. I'm done. Every single weekend worked for the last 15 years. Most holidays worked for the last 15 years. My friends and family don't understand why I never gain any sort of seniority and never get the better schedules or pay with all the years I'm putting in. Neither do I. I'm done. Fool me once...
"Better Me, Better We" should be changed to ... - sufferinginsilence
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"The fruits of your labor are worth more than your pay"
I have no problem with TAT but not at the expense of not having enough work to pay my bills. If there is no work, then why not pay us our hourly rate..that would be the right/moral thing to do.
They keep saying they lose money if they are. . . - sm
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out of TAT. Well, I lost my bonus after having gotten it since it began. How do they think that makes me feel?
Losing money? Not according to THEIR OWN - fiscal reports
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Of course, when you cut pay and benefits and charge the clients the same or more and take on more clients, you obviously would make a nice profit. They DO NOT lose money. I have been here a long time and the opportunity has not presented itself to get out so that I could still pay my bills, but finally, it is starting to come together and anyone who does like it here-good luck to you-I am getting out before this industry completely goes down the tubes and over to India which is exactly where it is headed.
Losing money? Seriously? - sufferinginsilence
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Rest assured - "If" they are losing money, they are making up for it in their other businesses. WE are the ones losing money! If their mouths are moving, they're lying!
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